Femdom fantasies

(Occasionally I need a title like that to keep the search engines interested, I feel).

Lucky Andy’s getting a freebie!
The sexy Mina Thorne in a menareslaves video.


She is good at dealing with feelings of guilt.


It’s quite a common condition. Thank goodness they’ve found a cure.


Let’s hope Steve’s nice.  And not too fat.


Interestingly, I find the stress often starts before I’m put into the position.

Boys only want love if it’s torture

Regular “readers” will know that my musical tastes rarely extend beyond about 1988.  But I am prepared to make an exception for Mistress Swift.

On with the rest of it… femdom captions, dominatrices, chastity, all those words that get search engines so excited, you know?

Oh no, not again.


You could try calling her tomorrow.  “Hi!  It’s William from last night.  That’s right, the one with the small penis.  Listen, I was wondering…”


NO!  Not the comfy chair!


Well… I hope someone’s asked Andy if he’s OK sharing his cucky closet, that’s all.  Some men can be a bit funny about that sort of thing – it’s their own special place, you know?


…and then if that gets too much, the electric shocks will take your mind off the pain from the welts.

Like a christian fearing vengeance from above…

…I don’t pretend to know what you want, but I offer love. 

(trigger warning: vanilla link.  For no obvious reason, I’ve always thought of the song as rather D/S… but I think that of many things).



Don’t worry if you’re still confused.  Things will be made clear.


I think that’s disgraceful.  Just because we’re submissive doesn’t mean ladies can treat us like doormats, can they?  Well, I mean, obviously, if a lady like one of these wanted to treat me literally as a doormat, that would be fine, wiping her muddy boots across my back, but erm… OK, maybe they can then. 


And you prefer not being gay too, don’t you, so it sounds like you and Master Mark are very compatible!


Get another one, of course.  There’s plenty.  Hello!  Ma’am?  Over here!


I offer love… this is one of the most Significant of the Others in my life.  Lady Sophia Black is simply wonderful.

Helplessly devoted

Oh relax!  Look if George is hetero too, then it’s not like you’re going to be having gay sex anyway, is it?  I mean, who’s going to make you do it?

The offence?  Oh – unauthorised erection, I think.  Now just watch the caning very carefully and try not to let it happen again, OK?

Could get expensive.

Well I think it’s rather sweet.

Men can be so obsessive about these little things.

I have to praise her

…like I should.

Tennis court servitude
Don’t forget to scurry.  Ball boys should definitely scurry.
Femdom together
Sergei I am not looking forward to.
Pissing Mistress
But seeing as this is Mistress Absolute  – the Mistress Absolute – I suspect that can only add to the value, among certain rare connoseurs conouiseirs conosewers, don’t you think?
No tits here
Domina Liza.  I’ll confesss, I don’t know the Lady in person, but I suspect that her attitude to such a request would be along these lines.  This caption is intended to comment on the style of femdom photo that I mentally categorize as ‘tits out for the lads’ and try, virtuously, to avoid.
Femdom insecticide
Awww… poor little thing.


That’s me.

Pervert punishment
Of course he can.  He’d do anything for her.  Wouldn’t you?

Humiliation served cold
Well… OK.  This time.

SPH handjob
Hmmm.  An occasional sympathy fingerjob.  Well, that’s a pretty big win, right there.

Cruel therapist
It’s great when you’re confident your therapist understands the real you, isn’t it?

I don’t think she’s taking this seriously enough, you know.  I mean, a man’s been murdered here.  And more importantly, a quite valuable pen was stolen, too.

Disciplined loving

Guilty feelings femdom
She’s right, you know.  If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.  And in any case, a man should fear his wife, I think, don’t you?

Actually, that’s a bit surprising.  Because I seem to remember her saying with a giggle once that she’d heard one of her new freinds had a soundproofed rape room in his basement.  Oh well… maybe that was someone else.

Cruella mistress victoria again
Think fast.  The tip of the whip can move at over 100 mph.
 This is Lady Victoria from Cruella (and from a long time ago

– thank you for the adolescent memories, Mr Rogue-Hagen and Ladies).

Paddled by Mistress again again too
We all say things we regret, from time to time.  It’s part of married life.

That’s a relief.  Let’s hope she ticked the ‘anaesthetic’ option.  She can be so forgetful.

Worm’s eye view

Do worms actually have eyes?  Or a point of view?  I know I’m not allowed one of those, not about anything that matters.

Ah well, on we go.

Oh well.  Never mind.
 This of course is Princess Kali, whose perfect balancing of sweetness and cruelty presses all the buttons I have.  It’s the little tiara that always does it for me. Aaaahhh.

Oooh!  Maybe Steve’s going to get a blowjob too?  How exciting.
 The lady in the picture is Ashley Edmonds.  She’s fantastic.  Don’t know who the males are.  But who cares?  Just males. 

I can imagine being very polite.  But I expect she’s right.  She usually is.

Well, that’s very kind.  She’ll stop being kind soon, don’t worry.
 Domina Irene Boss, of course, whose boots I am not fit to lick (I mean, even more than those of most ladies).

Must be awful.  Don’t you think?

A love beyond price

darling, you’ll never guess what happened today when you were out at the interview.  The strangest thing!

That man came round – the one we met in the market the other
day.  He’s called Reshad.

Anyway, he just came to the door, so I invited him in for
coffee.  I thought it was a bit creepy at
first – you know, maybe he was interested in me.  But he’s not. 
Not at all.  Do you know what?

He’s interested in you!

No, really.  He said
you have a perfect rose-bud mouth, if you can imagine!

Anyway, of course I laughed and said you were spoken
for.  And do you know what?  He offered me money!  I was laughing, and saying ‘no, no’ – you
know, making a joke of it.  But I think
he was serious.  Apparently, slavery is
legal in his country and he has a place way out in the desert where he keeps
all these men.  Well, as slaves!  Isn’t that just the weirdest thing!  He was offering $350,000 by the end.  Imagine! 
That would pay off all our loans in one go.  Actually, it would leave us $165,000 over, even if we paid off everything.  He must be really rich.

Anyway, he was very persistent.  Wouldn’t take no for an answer!  So I said I’d think about it – just to get
him to go away, you know.  And he straightaway said he’d
come back this evening with his two brothers and a van. And he said he’d have the
money in cash – now what was it he said in that funny accent of his? 
Oh yes – he said “not that $350,000 peanuts bullshit! But proper money.”  I don’t suppose he will, though.

He must be so rich. 
Imagine being able to pay $350,000 just like that!  Or even more!

I mean obviously you’re worth a lot more than $350,000!  Oh – I don’t mean I’d ever be tempted!  I mean, really!  Even for that much money.  Or even more. 
Anyway, it’s barbarous, keeping people as slaves.  I shudder to think about what they’d have to
do to you to make you use your little rose-bud mouth on them!  You’re not at all like that, are you? 

I mean if you wanted to try it that would be
different.  But you don’t want to try
being a sex slave in the desert, do you? 
Do you?

No, I didn’t think so. 
Well, I expect he was probably just joking anyway.

Anyway, how did the interview go?  Do you think they’ll give you the job?
Aww…poor baby.  Never mind.  I’m sure something will turn up, sooner or later.

Don’t forget to drink up your milk, darling!  I got it specially for you.  Drink up every last drop.  Down it goes!  That’s right.

How do I love her, let me count the ways

One thank You, Ma’am
Two, thank You, Ma’am
Three, thank You, Ma’am
uh – four, thank You, Ma’am!
Five – oh – thank You, Ma’am!
SIX!  Aaah!  Six thank You, Ma’am!
Thank You, thank You.

Thank You.

The cane and her
Very politely.  Or you’ll really be in trouble.

Conditions of servitude
With three of them lesbians and three bisexual, I guess there are going to be some interesting votes.  Shame you don’t get to vote, really.

Suffering for her pleasure
Don’t worry about what she likes.  You don’t have to do a thing. Just scream if you feel like it – she definitely likes that.

Two little maids from school are we
Poor David.  Those horribly sore balls.  Still, I understand someone will be kissing them better later on.
Pro-am domme
And you get to be a lifestyle client.  You take whatever she gives you, until you can’t afford it.
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