It’s all so calculating (she’s got a calculator)

You say you’ll never know him, he’s an unnatural man

It’s not the size anyway, it’s what you do with it.  And how many times.

He can say no, of course. As many times as he likes, actually.
She gets through boyfriends quite quickly, I’ve heard.  Must be a bit fickle, I suppose.  Shame, ‘cos she’s cute.

Looks good on her, don’t you think?  Better than on the donors, I expect.

Actually, there are lots of things they don’t approve of men doing. Good job you’ve got her to protect you.

Commanding respect

Or the one before that.


I like to leave these details to my wife too.  She’s better at that sort of thing.


Return of an old friend.


On the plus side, they do get  lots of great shots of dommes looking really pissed-off.  On the minus, a lot of expensive cameras have been smashed.  Oh – and the photographer’s been hospitalised once or twice too.


Kind of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, huh?

A marriage of obedience

A problem shared… 




She’s just helping you put it in context.  Don’t forget to be grateful.


Worth it all for that one night of passion, though, huh?  Huh?


Best just to be passive and forget the aggression.

This is the lovely Gigi Allens from ClareSpanksMen and many other places.  More about her – mostly made up, but illustrated with lots of pictures – here.


Truth or…



The worst
thing I’ve ever done to a boy?  Oh…
I’ll probably take the dare, erm –

No!  No, I got it.  I’ll go with truth!

OK, so there
was this, like, really cute guy a couple of years above me?  And he really wanted to feel my breasts?

So I told
him that I’d let him, if I could kick him in the balls.  I mean, I was joking!  You know?

But he said
OK!  I couldn’t believe it!

Well, we
just stood there for a bit, and for some weird reason I just found myself
saying ‘How many times’?  And he’s like
‘Just one, bitch’.  So I’m like, ‘If you
can take ten, I’ll let you go all the way’. 
And he’s like, ‘OK, but you have to stop if I say so, OK?’.  And I’m like ‘Sure!’ 

Anyway, he
made me promise to stop if he said so – and for a joke, I made him agree that
he had to say ‘Please Carly, I’m a wimp and I can’t take any more, please

So he opened
his legs a little bit, and he breathed in and out for a bit and then he looked
at me – he was looking kinda scared! – and was just, like, ‘OK!’.  Real tense, like that, you know?  Just: ‘OK!’.

And I kicked
him really hard, right in the nuts.  I
was wearing these kinda goth boots? 
– even though I’d already started going emo back then, but you know,
they were cool –  and the toe went right
between his legs so the top of the boot smashed right up into his balls. 

I don’t
think he’d expected me really to kick him as hard as that!  Especially not for the first one.  Because his eyes bulged out, and all the
breath came out of his body, and he staggered back and he’s trying to gasp for
air?  And he looks up at me with these
horrified pleading eyes – I can still see them now – and I think he was just
about to try and say something when I kicked him the second time!

And of
course, after that I went through with the whole thing.  I mean, I knew he wanted me to stop.  But he could hardly even scream, he was in so
much pain – let alone say the complicated sentence we’d agreed.  So I could just keep going.  Once he got as far as ‘PleaseCarlyI’m
awimpand’ – but then WHAM!. you know, and he shut up again.

And – I
guess the worst thing about it was that I’d planned that?  You know? 
Cos I’d seen boys who’d taken, you know, a softball in the nuts and I
knew what it would be like?  That’s why I
made him agree he had to say such a long thing if he wanted me to stop.  And then I just had to make sure I went in
really hard for the first one.

For the last
four he was writhing on the ground – I think he was trying to crawl away just
using his arms, but of course that didn’t do him any good, and those were the
hardest of all.

And I left
him there.  I figured he wouldn’t want to
try collecting on his part of the deal that day! 

Anyway… I
heard he went to hospital, for a long time, then they moved away.  I was kinda worried for a while that I might
get into trouble, but I don’t know – maybe he didn’t want to admit to anyone
that a girl did this to him?  Or maybe he
was just scared of me.  But anyway,
apparently he told his parents and the police that these three big black guys
had done it.

I thought
that was kinda mean.  Huh?  I mean, why say they were black guys?  There’s so much, like, prejudice and hatred
in the world, you know?  That was
nasty.  Made me realise he wasn’t a very
nice guy.  If he ever did show up and
want to collect his side of the deal, I’d just be like, no way!  I don’t fuck racists!  What an asshole.

Anyway, I
guess that’s the worst thing I’ve done. 
I mean, there was another thing a few months later that was a bit worse,
but that wasn’t just me.  I had my friend
Amy with me.  She’s really cool – you
should meet her!

OK!  Your turn. 
Truth or dare.


You know…I’m
going to have to think of something really embarrassing to ask you.  Cos I’ve got such a great idea for a dare for
you!  There is no way you are leaving tonight until I’ve made you do it.
Let me think…


Divine retribution

Best to pretend you didn’t overhear anything.  Just act normal…relaxed.

I think he’s learning to be less of a dickhead.  But it’s a slow process.

It’s so rare to meet a woman who really understands…

And then you never need worry about getting lost, ever again. No matter where you are, she can always track you down.

Oh, women can be so silly.  Does she really think he’ll have changed his mind, just because his wrists are shackled to that bar?  I think someone’s going to be rather disappointed here!


Madame Sarkas travels
Fair point.  It’s quite hard to travel internationally without money too.  Or clothes.
  Madame Sarka.  Of course.  Need I say more?

Schoolgirl skirt humiliation
I expect they’ll just agree to keep it our little secret, don’t you?  In exchange for total obedience, obviously.
 From St Mackenzie’s, a site that (in the previews at least) has lots of wonderful shots of schoolmistresses looking stern, and schoolgirls looking dangerous… but then disappointingly always seems to have them take their clothes off and look ready for vanilla sex.  I mean, who wants to see that?  There are some real weirdos out there, no?

Why does it have to be so difficult
This is kind of autobiographical.  I really hate the actual feeling of being beaten, so although in the weeks leading up to a session I’m all excited, in the hour or so before there’s just this “oh fuck, pretty soon someone’s going to be hitting me with a leather strap and it’s going to hurt!”.  Out of all the fetishes there are, why this one, hmmm?  Why not cuddly toys, or something?  Or ballooons.  I’ve tried…and balloons do nothing for me.
This is from Cruella.  You could tell even without the tag, right? 

Size most certainly does matter
Go on – surprise her!
 No idea who this is.  Doesn’t matter, though, as after tonight I expect she won’t be seeing you again.

Good hard ball-busting
Yes, you’ll always have those memories.

Pervertual reality

Welcome to my world.

Literally femdom
You need to be careful about that.  Dommes can be rather literal-minded.  I told my Significant Other that my heart belonged to her, and it took quite a while (and a lot of cash) to persuade her that it was best to leave it inside me for a while.

Telephone domme
Sometimes, one partner in the relationship has to take the first step, and really try something new, y’know?

Dominatrix in a bad mood
Come to think of it, it was nothing.  Forget it.

Never again chastity boy
It’s just not fair on her, the way it is, do you see?  Having to say no every month – it just makes her the bad guy.  Come on – give a little, here.

Ball-busting literally again
See?  Didn’t I tell you?  If you don’t want them to take your requests literally, just don’t ask.  Now look what you made her do.

Sub culture

Yet more captioned images of female domination?  Goodness, don’t you people have anything better to do?  Don’t I?

Well… no.

Balls soon to be busted oh my!
Well, you might not enjoy it but you can surely take joy in her pleasure can’t you?  Don’t be so selfish.

Now this might sting a bit
It’s a necessary procedure.  Everyone who goes in for an ingoing toenail operation needs to go through it.

Being a domme means never having to say you're sorry.
It’s a fallacy to think that dommes don’t care.  As a matter of fact, they’re really quite annoyed about this.

This is it.
Oh my.

Give us this day our daily…

…captioned images of female dominance, obviously.  What else did you come for?

Actually, it’s a little unfair using religious imagery because if you Google ‘contemplating the divine’ and similar, you get mostly religious sites.  Anyone here looking for theological discussion and staying for more than 30 seconds is going to have to recite 999 Hail Marys as penance.  And speaking of penance…

I womder what she's going to do with that whip
A wonderful Cruella photoshoot that I first saw as an impressionable teenager.  The text was very heavy indeed as I recall, involving castration.  Just look at that expression.

Femdom wife might allow release but lets not overdo it
Regular orgasm is supposed to be good for the health, so maybe she could fix on a three-month rota?

male maid scrubs the toilet probably with a wartm bottom
I admire the care and attention this male maid is giving to ‘his’ work.  Possibly a warmed bottom involved?

Goddess Lexi and Mistress Sidonia.  Now that’s a scary thought.

Captioned image of OWK ballkick - ouch
As in “Were I to make an error when trying to speak Czech, I would be kicked in the balls.”  Or “If I weren’t such a stupid pig, I wouldn’t have to be left chained outside all night.”  Conditional tense.  Very useful for reflecting on consequences.
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