Lip service

There are lots of things submissives know about that ‘ordinary people’ don’t.  It’s an odd thought, but most people have never been peed on, for instance (by an adult, anyway). 

Oh, well if David wants me serving canapes then of course we’d better go!  Sigh.  David this, David that… honestly, one day I’m really going to have to set some boundaries in this relationship. But not today. What do you think? I favour the one on the left…

She said stare at the ground, moron.
Erm… yeah, the ironing.  About that…

Brain damage play can be a lot of fun, but you need to make sure you pick short and simple words to use as safewords.

0 thoughts on “Lip service”

  1. I think I'll choose the one on the left, the transparent one, so man can see my chastity cage under it.
    Her lover seems to love taunt me about it, so I think seeing it will put him in a good mood, and I need him happy tonight, because I want to ask him for a quick release..

  2. They do. I prefer my mud with a country flavour – quite grassy, maybe with hints of various farm animals flecked through it? While others prefer an oily, even rather chemically blend that you might get when she's been scuffing her boots up in filthy alleys in the city.

    Of course: I lick both with equal ardour! Wouldn't want the little lady to lose her temper, would we?

    Spasibo, as usual, Alex.


  3. That's a good idea. Here's a hint: a bit of lipstick can go a long way too. Have a good evening. I'm sure there will indeed be many copious orgasms, and who knows one of them might even be yours.

    Many thanks for commenting. Back in the cucky closet, now, he's going to be here soon.


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