0 thoughts on “Darling, it was simply divine!”

  1. Roaring 20’s a century ago, or now a century later, the 2020’s , it’s all the same. Back then they were more discreet behind closed doors. Now it’s just more out in the open.

  2. It is divine for the ladies and awful for me, but my lady says men are lowly and too stupid to understand.

  3. It is very divine for the male to pay full attention to my feelings. You can easily cut a man’s manhood off. However you can’t cut a woman’s womanhood off. It’s all over our female emotions.

  4. Third picture. Lesbian love making goes on much longer than for males who quickly squirt. So lesbian love is more divine.

  5. We men have to earn lots of money doing all sorts of things so the ladies can spend to their hearts delight.

  6. My woman is so kind. She lets me decide the color of the towel that goes over the whipping bench before a session begins.

  7. We're all fatally attracted Tom, Frank, and it'll be the death of us eventually. But there are worse ways to go, than expiring in findomme-induced poverty, long after she has forgotten you… don't you think?

    Best wishes


  8. Quite so. It happens a lot more frequently too, at least in my household, which seems doubly unfair. But who ever said femdom had to be fair?

    Best wishes


  9. Quite so, Ms Holly. I believe that cutting men's manhoods off is still illegal in some rather backwards jurisdictions, but – pettifogging rules aside – it is merely the work of a moment, the product of a fleeting whim. And that's so good to know.

    Best wishes


  10. Thank you Hank. Your lady's quite right of course . Not all men are absolute morons, obviously: some have more feminine characteristics like common sense and intelligence, to some degree at least. And it's not that women are always right, all of the time, but it's sufficiently close that the rare exceptions aren't worth taking up. Best to go with what she says, I find.

    Best wishes


  11. Yes, although back in those days a wife could often have a more sensible conversation with her husband about the proper use of the cane in a marital setting, without him getting all shocked and upset. Well brought-up chaps went straight from nanny's knee to the headmaster or prefect's cane before ending up in the loving care of a wife with the right attitude, and wouldn't dare rebel at any point.

    Best wishes


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