If it’s Tuesday this must be femdom

Fortunately their arguments are usually quite short.  She’s very sensitive, poor thing – hates it when there’s disagreement in her marriage.



Her husband’s very sensitive too, which is just the way she likes it.



“This slave is so privileged to have the honour of directing your divine footsteps, Mistress, and ventures most humbly to suggest that Mistress’s perfect feet should first take a left (by which is meant her left, needless to say, not the left from the perspective of this worthless insect), then…” etc etc.



Apparently one of his favourite maledom fantasies concerns ‘caning to real tears’.  So he’s in for a real treat today because that’s definitely on the agenda.




Just to be clear: she’s fairly unlikely to hold with that sort on nonsense after the wedding day, either. And there are other words for which you’d be wise not to dispute her definition: ‘husband’, for instance.




0 thoughts on “If it’s Tuesday this must be femdom”

  1. We girls rule you men because of your sex drive.
    I turn a seemingly disadvantage into an advantage. Instead of being disgusted by men lusting after me, I turn that into my having power over men.
    I like that power. In the end, it makes you men give us girls what we want. We’ll direct you.

  2. Men, we girls want you to be proud of your testicles and of your manhood. I love what testicles do to a man. They affect your whole being. Enjoy your manhood and I’ll enjoy it also.
    Do not be needy. Don’t try to take joy from we girls. Give it to yourselves instead, and shower we we girls with your joy.
    Arrogant male requires the hairbrush. Proud manhood calls for respect and happiness for all.
    Your manhood is a gift. Use it and give it to we girls.
    True manhood doesn’t use womanhood. Instead true manhood greatly values and appreciates womanhood.

  3. Thank you so much for all your splendid and forceful comments, Ms Holly. My manhood is indeed a gift, all wrapped up in ribbons and bows for her.

    Best wishes


  4. Ms Holly- I wish we didn’t have these testicles, that make us so powerful in Your presence. We can’t help ourselves! SaraE

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