6 thoughts on “Utopian visions”

  1. Thank you, Ms Zoe.

    Let's hope it stands me in good stead, when the new regime arrives. I doubt it will, though.

    Best wishes


  2. Interesting combination of American police Woman's hat, East German army uniform and skinhead bovver boots. Better not put it to her like that or they might lengthen my incarceration in the re education centre. Femsup

  3. I suppose it does look a little unco-ordinated, but actually I understand she draws inspiration from all three of those institutions for her custodial technique, so perhaps its all very appropriate.

    Not sure what you mean about lengthening your stay, though – you stay at a re–education centre until you're fully re-educated. It just takes as long as it takes, basically. Some males manage to get themselves straightened out but for others, it can take longer. A lot longer in some cases… so don't worry if you're a bit of a slow learner, Femsup.

    Best wishes


  4. Thank you spicegrinder. Plenty more of them too…enough for a whole, erm, i dunno small industrial town of bus-shelters. Just click on that 'another world' phrase.

    Best wishes


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