0 thoughts on “Tidings of discomfort”

  1. yay!
    welcome back Raoul!!
    he only seems to come but once a year (bit like you perhaps…)
    has he created a bubble, so if in Tier 4 he will be with us some more, at least for the rest of the holidays, maybe longer – threesomes after all are what the wildest dreams are made of, what's not to like…

  2. Oh, yes indeed. Raoul, obviously, comes considerably more often than once per year. Believe me: I'm the one who has to clean the mess off the sheets, lingerie, carpet, walls and – on at least three memorable occasions – ceiling.

    I must still have unpublished images featuring that cocky young lad, and I do occasionally write more of them. But as my SO likes to say: It's only fair to give the other guys a turn now and then.

    As for bubbling with Raoul; my own wildest dreams at the moment barely extend to a onesome, but you never know…

    Best wishes


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