My favourite Christmas lyrics. Of course, I hear that phrase all through the year, but it means so much more to me in this very special season.
Let me take this opportunity to wish a very merry Christmas to this blog’s handful of female readers, and I hope the rest of you have the miserable, bleak and pitiful time you all so richly deserve – and secretly crave – you revolting little creeps.
Merry Christmas, Servitor! And thank You very much for your creative works!
С РОЖДЕСТВОМ Alex. Although I understand that for you in Russia, Christmas happens a few days later. Plus, I've heard you still have quite a few chores to do, so you'd better get on.
Oh, yes, Servitor! You know how it is! New Year and Christmas ahead! And there are a lot of affairs, great and small, on joy to our women!
Loving these caps! Thank you! cd sara
Thank you for commenting. I love writing them, so we're even.
Best wishes
You Russians are obviously taking things too slowly. In contrast, here in the UK, even though December is not yet over we've already had Christmas, done the whole presents and festive thing and still found time to sabotage our political and economic future for decades to come.
Ooh… bit o' politics there.
Best wishes