A man’s place

.. is wherever she puts him.

It did promise to love, honour and obey in sickness and in health, after all.  Didn’t it?

Fortunately teachers are allowed to remain standing in class.

Just as long as I don’t have to swap nappies with Petie. I always hate that, don’t you?

I have occasionally paid women for sex, I’ll admit.  The very first time I tried it I was really nervous but she said I was very cute and that she’d actually enjoyed the sex!  So that was pretty cool.  I hope the guy she did it with enjoyed it too – I never met him.
Women are strange.  Why lie around in what is obviously sexually arousing lingerie, when I’m locked up in a spiked cage? Honestly, you’d think they’d have more sense.

0 thoughts on “A man’s place”

  1. The control of all resources be they food water or air is a very salutary lesson for Females to give to males. Women have the right t have more of everything and men must accept it. Femsup

  2. I love this page, and I will like to tal with this captions autor

  3. Oh, I don't think that's how things should work. Housework, hard labour, humiliation… pain. These are all things that we men can be blessed with in abundance, once the world comes to its senses.

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