How do I love her, let me count the ways

One thank You, Ma’am
Two, thank You, Ma’am
Three, thank You, Ma’am
uh – four, thank You, Ma’am!
Five – oh – thank You, Ma’am!
SIX!  Aaah!  Six thank You, Ma’am!
Thank You, thank You.

Thank You.

The cane and her
Very politely.  Or you’ll really be in trouble.

Conditions of servitude
With three of them lesbians and three bisexual, I guess there are going to be some interesting votes.  Shame you don’t get to vote, really.

Suffering for her pleasure
Don’t worry about what she likes.  You don’t have to do a thing. Just scream if you feel like it – she definitely likes that.

Two little maids from school are we
Poor David.  Those horribly sore balls.  Still, I understand someone will be kissing them better later on.
Pro-am domme
And you get to be a lifestyle client.  You take whatever she gives you, until you can’t afford it.

0 thoughts on “How do I love her, let me count the ways”

  1. You're both very kind. Oh dear, I have no idea where the sissies picture came from. I do have others, though, about four from whatever photoset it was. So watch this space.

  2. What could the man possibly be safe FROM in the "female supremacist community?"

  3. Responsibilities, having to make decisions – that kind of thing. I find those very stressful.

    Many thanks for your comments.

    Best wishes


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