She’s making a list and checking it twice

Merry Christmas, boys and fully functional human beings!

Think of me this Christmas time.  I’ll be there all snuggly wrapped up under the Christmas tree waiting to find out what I’ll be getting this year.  Chestnuts roasting on the open fire….well, not again I hope.

Christmas comes but once a year, after all…and…oh, ah I’m sure I was going to come up with some femdom-related humour just there, but I can’t remember it now.  A witty play on words I expect.  To much eggnog I suppose…or at least, she assured me it was eggnog.

Here y’are, one extra for the festive season.

She won’t share them with Madame Sarka, you know.  Not after those two broke last Christmas.

I think she’s showing him how much she cares, don’t you?

You don’t get to visit the in-laws and she stands you in the corner with your hands chained?  Is this supposed to be a punishment?  Honestly, I think the blog’s going soft.

That’s more like it.

You think it’s hard for you – I have to write them really small!

She really wanted a necklace too.  Still, I expect she can keep on wearing that old one with the key on it for another year.

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