Rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath


Not a femdom bitch from hell
She didn’t rush to judgement, though.  She took her time.

cold hearltless and brutal...whats not to like?
Yet another of those Mars and Venus things, I reckon.  What do you suppose she’s trying to tell you here?

Psycho domina quest-ce que cest?
Actually the greatest torture is trying to read the tiny print…

Dommed by accident
Actually that’s not fair.  At least one of the girls in the office calls you “Bootlicking little perverted wanker.”.  No idea why.
Small penis acceptance?
There are times in any marriage when an apology is called for.  Here’s one.

0 thoughts on “Rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath”

  1. I love the bottom photo and caption. I love the idea of a female friend or family member being a "mentor" to a wife.And i love the idea of the mentor introducing the wife to the ideas of " Wife led Marriage" and cuckolding

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