BDSM (Beauty, Devotion, Supplication and Matriarchy)

Maybe a spanking...almost certainly a spanking
Ahh… You know, I don’t think I could stand waiting the two minutes.
He was like, totally tortured
She like totally pwns you, dude.  No, really, she does.

Kick me baby
You can kiss as many times as you like of course.  But it’s one kiss, one kick.  Only fair.

Oh to be crushed into the mud beneath her boots
Blmmmble oopple gllmmmhhh….

I winder what shes going to do
You’ll find it quite easy to write the letter of apology.  Because believe me, you will be truly, truly sorry by then.

0 thoughts on “BDSM (Beauty, Devotion, Supplication and Matriarchy)”

  1. OMG! I can't believe you didn't like, totally get a million comments just for picture number 2!

    Sorry I'm so late with mine – I've not been around much. But you, sir, are still the king of captioning – and I salute your genius.OMG! I can't believe you didn't like, totally get a million comments just for picture number 2!

    Sorry I'm so late with mine – I've not been around much. But you, sir, are still the king of captioning – and I salute your genius.

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