More turning points

This is the second in what is turning into a series, currently of two.  Part 1 here.  It’s captioned images of situations that aren’t femdom!  Pretty exciting huh?  If rather a risky development, for a blog about errr, femdom.

But the point is that these are situations that could develop into female domination.  Rather quickly, in most cases.  In some there is a choice, in others there isn’t.  But whether you take the choice to turn, or the choice is made for you… these are turning points.

If it’s a bit too mild for you try…well, almost any page on this blog, really.  This, for example.





Turning points

A bit of a change of pace today.  As regular readers will know, Contemplating the Divine is not known for subtlety.  Most of the reprehensible material posted here depicts femdom situations that are brutal, non-consensual and occasionally anatomically impossible (click here).

So, let’s try something different for a change.  These are captions that are NOT about female domination.  Not yet.  Each presents the very moment at which a vanilla relationship just might take a more flavourful turn.  And then there’s a choice to be made: your choice.  The red pill or the blue.  Donna can turn left or right.  Sure, the choice you make in this situation could lead eventually to life in slavery…but it doesn’t have to.  Turning points.









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