Back on track

Well, the consensus seems to be that Google has backed down, so here we go again.

Have a double-length post to make up for it. Oh – and for the next three weeks or so there will be an additional caption each day on the Tumblr site, that will not appear here (because my filing system is too disorganised to find the right ones, if I delete the Tumblr queue).

****ing Google. 

Don’t worry.  You don’t have to do anything she doesn’t want you to do. In fact, you mustn’t.


Who says men are useless, eh?


I expect you’ll manage well enough without.


It’s bound to be a bit painful at first.  But you’ll get used to it.


I’ve always had this ability to make women laugh. I think I was born with it.


When he left school, he wanted to work in IT. And he does – he usually stops by that department just before lunch


I think we’ve all been there.  Just the other day a market research company rang up and asked if I was interested in taking part in a survey about web use. So I said sure, but after about five or six questions about my browsing habits, they just rang off without any warning!  Bizarre, huh? I mean why did they ask if they don’t want to know the answers?


Something to look forward to.


That’s good of her.
Another thing to tick off her bucket list. 

Sexual harming

It’s so good for me…

I think the correct answer is “No, Mistress”

Oh, I don’t know.  Looks to me like it turned out pretty well.
 Image from the menareslaves site, like it says.  And that is the lovely Mistress Mina Thorne on the left there!  And on the right…errr… anyone?  She’s lovely too of course, the beautiful Natalie Minx (with thanks to Mr Anonymous in the comments below).


A new departure for Contemplating the Divine.  Brutal treatment of submissive girls!  I can hardly bring myself to look.. the poor little thing.  She didn’t deserve this.  I mean, he’s got another seven fingers hasn’t he?


I find in these conversations that at first she does most of the talking, but as it carries on I find myself becoming more and more vocal and emotional about it.
This is the wonderful Gigi Allens, from ClareSpanksMen.  She was featured here before, at length.

Or if you can’t be brave, just let the restraints be brave for you.

Put your lovin’ hand out baby

It’s what she says when my hand’s been doing a bit too much lovin’.  I just say ‘Yes Ma’am’.

The beautiful Mistress Mina Thorne, whose dungeon I’m sure is entirely free of creepy-crawlies.  Except her clients, obviously.


Perhaps these things should come with instructions.


Sounds like a win-win.
Actually it arrived two days ago.  Come on – you have to tell her sooner or later. If she calls the couriers and finds out, she’s going to be very cross.


That’s very considerate of her, isn’t it?  They’re not all heartless bitches, the ladies featured on this site, you know.

A turning point – maybe


What?  No I’m not.  Well…maybe I am.  It’s complicated.  I mean, yes I am a
model, but I haven’t gone by the name “Alison Lawson” for years.  I’m Ali Landry now.  I was Miss America – now I’m a – well, I’m a ‘supermodel’, I
guess.  Sounds really fancy, but, you know – that’s what the magazines call me.

Alison Lawson was just a stage name when I used to do these
glamour shoots for fetish sites, before I really made it.  I was always a stern nanny type – spanking
naughty boys, putting them in diapers, dressing them up in little girls’ clothes and making them stand in the corner.  That kind of thing – not the harsh dominatrix in leather.  I had this kind of loving discipline image, I think.   It was a bit weird at first, but it paid the
rent while I was building my portfolio with the fashion shoots.  The great thing about that kind of fetish is that you don’t have to go naked – that can really kill a career in fashion modelling.

Strict old Alison Lawson. 
God… that really takes me back. Anyway – always good to meet a fan.
What’s your name?

Really?  No way!  You’re Emma’s fiancé!  Oh wow! 
Well I’m Ali, aren’t I?  Her
oldest friend.  She must have talked
about me?

Yes, I thought so. 
She’s told me everything about you!

Well…maybe not everything, come to think of it.  I think I might know something she doesn’t, hmm?

With apologies to the divine Ms Landry, who – to the eternal regret of perverts everywhere – almost certainly did not start her career modelling spanking shoots as a strict nanny called Alison Lawson.  I say ‘almost certainly’ because I will admit I have not actually checked.

It’s uncanny

I was using a thesaurus to look up synonyms for the word ‘impotent’ (I read somewhere it’s not a good idea to repeat precisely the same language in successive lonely hearts ads), and I read the following:

  • helpless

  • inadequate
  • incapable
  • incompetent
  • ineffective
  • ineffectual
  • inept
  • paralyzed
  • powerless
  • sterile
  • unproductive

It’s almost as if the thesaurus compilers had met me.  The power of words, eh?  But enough of that, let’s turn to the power of dominant women, because that’s what you came here for, right?

Everyone should have a hobby.  I have several.

I think that although ‘the overall parameters’ might originally have been consensual, it’s probably not a good idea to try to renegotiate those now, either.


Oh dear.  I think this Chuck sounds a bit overbearing, don’t you?  Maybe you should have a word.
It’s silly to think she’s denied you a last orgasm.  I mean, you had a last orgasm already, right?




It’s good to do things together, as a family.


Hi there!  Listen, have you ever thought about how it must be for porn stars who aren’t in the femdom ‘scene’ who do an occasional femdom shoot?

I don’t mean those porn stars who just don’t have a clue about femdom – who pose around in some bit of leather or holding a whip, before getting naked and screwing some guy.

No, I mean girls who can do femdom properly – but just not very often.  By ‘properly’ I mean just punishing the guy and demeaning him and stuff like that.  And never letting him fuck her. 

Me, for example.  Hi!  This is me doing a spanking scene.

Exciting isn’t it?  And you can get on over to Clare Spanks Men and get more of that.  Servitor did and he’s hardly able to walk for wanking so hard.  Here’s another:

Stern, aren’t I?  But I’m not a domme.  I’m a mainstream porn star.  See – this is also me.  Actually, this is the sort of thing I spend more of my time doing than the ‘stern’ thing:

Or this…

And there are some even more revealing pictures out there – of me naked, or me having sex.  Videos too!  Vaginal, anal, oral.  A lot of oral…my lips lovingly wrapped around fat, veined cock.  But the little submissive who runs this blog isn’t allowed to show pictures like that.  They’re only for real men, you see.

And that, in a nutshell, is my point.  You can fantasise about my being some stern governess type if you like, or a hard-ass fitness trainer like this:

or a stern boss:

…and if that was the only thing I ever did, like a lot of spanking models and dommes, maybe that would be OK.  Of course I’m unapproachable, of course I’m an ice maiden, of course I don’t have the slightest interest in you as a man or in the thing in your pants, except as a possible cause of your habitual disobedience and thoughtlessness.  Of course – because I’m dominant and you’re submissive.

(Did you enjoy that? I was belittling and humiliating you.  You creepy little guy) 

Maybe you’d think that at the end of the shoot, I give a cheerful couple of extra spanks, and at weekends I go off to fetish parties with my friends in the scene.  Then it’s not so embarrassing to fantasise about my spanking you, is it?

But!  But but but, how much more humiliating is it to know that when I’m not behaving like that in the shoots and videos you fantasise to, I’m behaving like this on other sites?

…or even like this:

(yes, the panties do keep coming down.  But only on sites for real men.  So you don’t get to see anything more.)

Or even this – I think I can just about allow Servitor to post this one, although it’s not enormously deferential to what you submissive little creeps consider the superior sex:

and there’s more.  I fuck, I suck, I cum…you know, I do the normal things that normal guys want porn stars to do. 

…but having seen all that – and knowing that I will and do ‘put out’ for men who can actually cope with that sort of thing – how do you think I feel about this guy?

(Do you think when I’ve finished smacking this guy’s ass, I push him off and breathe out heavily and say – oh wow, baby!  That was fucking wild!  No. I don’t.  Because I’m treating him like a fucking naughty boy, not a lover, not a man.)

..or this one:

(Do I look like I’m in a state of sexual arousal in this picture?  Feel free to refer to some of my non-pervert photos further up, if you’re unsure about the answer).

And…finally (because although I’m sure you’re not tired of pictures of me, I’m certainly tired of talking to you) how do you think I feel about you?  About the ‘men’ who get more turned on by my shouting fully clothed at some little wimp before putting him over my lap, than you do by my fucking some stud of a guy?

How do you think I feel about you?

Knowing, that while this – and more – is readily available online to men who get turned on by real sex…

(well, I can’t really show little pansies like you the full scene you understand, but here’s a couple of scenes cropped so you can only see my face. You have to imagine what  else is going on.)

…and there are plenty where that big wide open mouth of mine is full, too.  Not for you, though.

But the only use of my mouth and tongue you’re going to get is to scold you.  Like a naughty child:

…and this is the closest you’re ever going to get to between my legs:

I’m a real woman and I like to fuck real men.  So much, I’ve made a career out of it.  Men all over the world fantasise about me going to bed with them, fucking them, sucking their cocks… And you are… what?  Fantasising about the big strong Australian girl with the muscular thighs smacking your bottom and telling you off as you lie across her lap.  Pathetic.

Humiliated?  You deserve it.

The part of the porn star in this tale was played by the astonishing Gigi Allens.  All these photos are of her, and I think we can agree that she is indeed an example of that very rare breed: a mainstream model and porn star who really can dominate.  I have no idea if her opinion about that – and about us- is as presented here.  But you know… it just might be.
All domination photos are from Clare Spanks Men.  Try it – if enough of you do, they might forgive me for using so many of their photos.  It’s good, anyway.  
The vanilla photos are from all over the place, so don’t even ask.  You shouldn’t be looking for that sort of smut anyway.


A ‘turning points’ story.

Darling, can we talk about last night?  About the party?

Yes, I know you had a bit too much to drink.  That’s what I want to talk about.

No, you were fine.  Just a little tipsy.  Not like Mark.  You weren’t being drunk or embarrassing, or anything like that.  I just wanted to talk to you about the game.

The game of ‘consequences’, of course.  Have you forgotten playing?  We did one round, just before the Saxtons went home.

I’ve got all the strips of paper here, you see?  I got them out of the wastepaper bin.  Now – you had a blue pen, didn’t you?

Oh don’t try to pretend darling, yes you did, I know you did.

Right, so let’s have a look, shall we?  Hmm…let me see.  I’ll just unfold them.  That one’s OK, you went first but um…yes!  What about this one?  I’ll read it out.

“President Obama” met “Humphrey the Cat” in “a cattle market in Australia”.  He said to her “There are better cakes in Portsmouth” (that’ll be Mark, of course.  Anyway, doesn’t matter.) She said to him “That’s six of the best with my cane – pull your shorts down!”  And the consequence was “the Bee Gees reformed and released a Garage album.”

You don’t remember which of those was yours?  OK, let’s try another.

“Mr Tickle” met “a strict headmistress, flexing her cane menacingly”, in “Transylvania”.  He said to her – well, it doesn’t really matter, does it?  I do recognise my husband’s handwriting.

Or this.

“Adam Ant” met “Seven of Nine” in “Cardiff”.  He said to her “the flowers that bloom in the spring, trala, have nothing to do with the case”.  She said to him “Because reasons”.  And the consequence was “She put him across her knee, and spanked his naughty bottom until it glowed.”

Honestly, I could have died of embarrassment when we read them all out.  Mark whispered to Gerry that you should be sent to bed early with a smacked bottom!  And everyone heard him.  Everyone except you, apparently.

If it was just a joke, it was a very silly one.  But perhaps there’s something we need to discuss, is there, darling?  Because if you want me to put you across my knee and spank your naughty bottom until it glows, believe me – you’ve picked a very good day to find out what it feels like!

High achiever

Listen – I’ve been thinking. It must be really boring and demotivating for you, just doing your household duties all day long. Just drudgery for 14 hours a day – for the rest of your life, really, with no prospect of ever moving on to anything more rewarding.

So I was thinking maybe you needed more incentives to keep at it and do a good job for me!

No honey, calm down. I don’t mean I’m going to punish you more. I mean, sure, being whacked on your sore old bottom with my paddle probably gives you a pretty strong incentive not to mess up. But it’s still only a negative incentive – when you do a bad job. I was thinking you need positive incentives to do a good job!

No, not that kind of positive incentive, honey. I don’t let you do that any more, remember?

So, anyway, I had this brilliant idea! Achievements!

Achievements, honey. Like in video games?

Oh yeah, I forgot. You’ve been a few years in my service now, haven’t you? They probably didn’t have achievements when you were still free to do fun stuff like computer games.

Well, ‘achievements’ are like bonuses for doing extra things in the game or doing really well. You have to meet a certain set of conditions and then you get awarded the achievement! Like ‘Kill 100 orcs with bladed weapons’ and then maybe you’d get an achievement called “Orc-cleaver” or something, you know?

Well, no, you don’t get anything else, honey. Just the achievement. But it gives you something to work towards, you see? I think it’s perfect for you! I was so pleased when I thought of it. I guess I’m channelling my inner geek girl.

What’s that honey? No, of course you don’t have a choice. And if I don’t see you working towards your achievements, we’ll just have to try more of the negative incentives, won’t we?

That’s better. OK, here’s your first list of achievements. Don’t try to work towards all of them at once. Just pick a few –some are harder than others. Once you get all these, I’ll do you another list, OK?

Tight fit: perform a day’s work in a corset tightened three inches narrower than usual.

Ironic: Iron more than 50 items of clothing in a single day.

Irony: Iron more than 100 items of clothing in one day.

Bad maids get spanked: Admit to a fault that leads to a spanking.

Bad maids get paddled: Admit to a fault that leads to a paddling.

Bad maids get caned: Admit to a fault that leads to a caning.

Those who wait: complete chores with three hours to spare and spend the remainder of the day in the corner.

Her wish is my command: bring Mistress something she wanted before being commanded to do so.

Friend or enema: complete all daily chores while holding in three quarts.

Silence is bronze: no speech except in response to a direct question for a week.

Silence is silver: no speech except in response to a direct question for a month.

Silence is golden: no speech except in response to a direct question for a year.

Spit-roast: take one of Mistress’s boyfriends at each end.

Whole hog: Do two consecutive spit-roasts, with changed ends.

My special place: spend 8 hours standing in the corner without looking around.

Weekend place: spend 24 hours standing in the corner without looking around.

Shameful duty: appear in full maid’s costume in front of someone from your ‘previous life’.

Shameful discipline: be punished in front of someone from your ‘
previous life’.

Rain man: learn every telephone number in Mistress’s contacts.

Asking for it: request a stroke-for-stroke repetition of a paddling, immediately after it finishes.

Begging for it: request a stroke-for-stroke repetition of a caning immediately after it finishes.

Happy Hubby: Have a perky smile on your face every time Mistress sees you, for a week.

Rash decision: wear the same pair of diapers and plastic pants for three days in a row, without a change.

Bad scrubber: Clean the kitchen floor to Mistress’s satisfaction without once getting up off your knees.

Better scrubber: Clean the kitchen floor to Mistress’s satisfaction with hands tied back, and the brush between your teeth.

Good scrubber: Clean the kitchen floor to Mistress’s satisfaction using your hair as the brush.

Recycler: eat nothing but Mistress’s leftovers for a week.

Know what’s good for you: request a spanking for no reason.
Know what’s better for you: request a paddling for no reason.

Know what’s best for you: request a caning for no reason.

Cum-bucket: hold a boyfriend’s semen in your mouth all night without swallowing or spitting.

Sleep is for wimps: Perform housework for 24 hours without a break.

Dog-tired drudge: Perform housework for 48 hours without a break.

Remorseful: write a letter of apology to every woman with whom you have ever had sex.

Making amends: clean the apartment or house of a former girlfriend in maid outfit.

Revenge is bitter: receive corporal punishment from a former girlfriend.

Because she says so: Self-administer a whipping that draws blood.

Party animal: be the only ashtray at one of Mistress’s cocktail parties.

Potty mouth: Don’t spill a drop.

The role of the geek girl in this little tale was played by the lovely, smiley, dancey Emily Ratajkowski.

Evil women doing horrible things to men

(I read somewhere that blog posts should have clear, factual titles to attract traffic.  And what could be more attractive than that title?)

Not that it really matters how he reacts, once the padlock’s on.


It’s often the simple things we men find most difficult.


Hmmm.  “If you didn’t want X, you shouldn’t have Y”.  Can’t think where I read that before, Servitor.


Well, I think it’s sweet.  In a slightly psychotic kind of way.


Yup.  Crying’s good.  Also screaming in frustration.  It all helps pass the time.  Actually, the chap pictured behind her there just squats down all day, gently rocking backwards and forwards and moaning in a steady rhythm.  Hey – it gets him through the day, you know?


It’s a strangely self-defeating exercise, because we love it.

Sympathy porn
That’s kind of her.  Not exactly a sympathy fuck… more of a pitiful wank.  But the principle’s the same.

Castration lit again
Kinda scary.  Yeah.


I hold that truth to be self-evident.

Accidental scene
OK, now that would be humiliating.  And not in a good way.  Well…maybe a little bit good…mmmm.
Creepy Servitor
It’s uncanny.  It’s almost as if she knows me.  Do you think I should go and hang around her house in Beverly Hills… see if fate somehow brings us together?
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