Sometimes I get a funny pain

Please help me in my agony, dear Jane, dear Jane, dear Jane.



Actually, you only booked an hour and half. So that’s an extra half hour free!  Guess you won that one, huh?


Not at all.  As a matter of fact, I’m going to beg for it.


Ymmmnneh Mnnntrrrcch!
If you can’t choose, just take a few.  She’ll choose.  Or maybe she won’t.


I’m sure when Suzie comes, this whole silly misunderstanding will quickly be resolved.

If it isn’t hurting…

…then you’re wasting your money.


Actually, I think she just wants to see you get beaten up.


The rule is that only the lower brown stripe can still be visible, before the traffic stick treatment can be considered complete.
It’s good that she’s so broadminded.  I’ll get me coat…


It’s what your right arm’s for.

It’s amazing the things they can do with CGI special effects these days.  They can actually make it look as if flesh is being burnt off with a red-hot brand, you know.  But her method’s better.

You can get more with a kind word and a whip…

… than you can with just a kind word.

These ladies know that.

Disappointed?  Well.. maybe a little.


He can continue to explore his interest in blow jobs too, I understand.



Enjoy. Only 25 seconds now…


I’ll confess, I don’t often last the full twenty seconds.  But she’s not one of those women who minds if her man comes very quickly.


Hymn to her

And she will always carry on

It’s been a while since I did this, but I believe that you begin with the examination of conscience.  Oh, and penance is involved somewhere down the line.  Quite definitely.


Hmm.  What makes me think the answer by the end of the evening will turn out to have been ‘both’?


As far as I know, there aren’t any countries that provide constitutional rights to have a tantrum.  So you’d better just bend over.


Tantrums featuring a lot today.  New husbands are prone to them.  Experienced husbands, less so.  You’re about to become a lot more experienced, by the look of this!  Many happy returns of the day.


And although she seems to be looking away, it’s probably best not to pout when she’s given you this information, if you still have hopes of next month too.

Nervous anticipation

Surely the sexiest feeling there is.  Don’t you think?  No?  Try a vanilla blog with lots of pictures of naked women instead, then, because this just isn’t going to be your thing.

Mistress Hellena is magnificent
Well… as long as they’re housetrained.
The lady above is Mistress Hellena, web site as recorded on the bottom right of the picture.  She has lots of very creative videos on the site – not the usual stuff by any means.  At one point, a slave gets wrapped up in brown paper.  She is clearly a wonderfully commanding and creative domme and I’d love to session with her, but her voice sounds exactly like my mother’s and that freaks me out.  Poor old screwed up Servitor.
Will he go under or over the barbed wire, I wonder?

But hey, it’s what we do, right?

Don’t you hate it when women do this?  They say “Is there something you want to talk about?” when really they already know all about it?  And then they strap you across the whipping block and flog you mercilessly, halve your pocket money and ground you for six months?  Women, eh?

It’s sad, but there are just too many submissive men chasing too few dommes.  The pound is the only answer.  Don’t worry: they’re very humane there.

Generic Contemplating the Divine post

… with comment immediately after the headline, often referring to unrelated music videos.

Occasional attempt to attract attention from search engines, by spamming words like mistress, femdom, dominatrix and so on.  Text in Georgia Medium.

Then some reference to the captioned photos that follow:

Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme. Quite often, this will contaibn a typo.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.
Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.
Short side-comment identifying a known pro-domme and encouraging readers to visit her web site.


Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.

Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Additional caption providing comment on or extension of caption theme.


Alt label embedded in photo to attract search engines
Normally, the additional caption to a picture of Anne will just consist of some inarticulate cry of adoration. 

Occasional additional message to ‘readers’, from Servitor.  (NB The word ‘readers’ will often be placed in inverted commas, to imply they are not really reading but just looking at the pictures and masturbating.  Unlike many blogs, this one often contemptuously insults its visitors, because it is assumed they share Servitor’s desire for humiliation.)

Begging on the streets

Street begging?  Eh?  I’m opposed to it.  I just think it’s unecessary, and disturbs people going about their daily business.

But she insists on it, so of course who am I to argue?

SPH lady is precise
Actually, I prefer to use centimetres.  Or even milimetres.

Farmyard femdom oh my
I wonder what the prize is, if he gets them right?

Female led discussion
Then again, maybe we don’t have to discuss it right now…. We do?  Oh.  OK.
Slave furniture
Actually, the back of the laptop adjusts.  But her way’s good.

Bad news femdom snuff oh dear
I wonder what it can be?

Authority figures

Clear instructions femdom
I like a woman who knows what she wants.  Don’t you?

Dominatrix tells you to fuck off
Mmmm.  If you pay extra maybe she’ll ignore you even more.

Teacher assessment humiliation
It’s tragic, the breakdown in authority in schools these days.  Don’t you think?

Mmmm… pretty exciting, huh?  I wonder what she has planned?  A really hard spanking?

Actually, I have a ‘frequently annoying traveller’ card.  So they don’t have to make any special arrangements: the stewardesses just slap me on sight. I get special meals too.


It’s a strangely self-defeating exercise, because we love it.

Sympathy porn
That’s kind of her.  Not exactly a sympathy fuck… more of a pitiful wank.  But the principle’s the same.

Castration lit again
Kinda scary.  Yeah.


I hold that truth to be self-evident.

Accidental scene
OK, now that would be humiliating.  And not in a good way.  Well…maybe a little bit good…mmmm.
Creepy Servitor
It’s uncanny.  It’s almost as if she knows me.  Do you think I should go and hang around her house in Beverly Hills… see if fate somehow brings us together?

Because she says so

Always the best reason.

Femdom sms
I think there’s now an app you can get that makes the whole process a lot simpler.

One of the girls
Aren’t you lucky?

Femdom canining in prospect
I read in a self-esteem book once, that you should write out a list of all the things about yourself you despise.  I got on quite well at first, but after a few months it started to get quite unwieldy.  So I started this blog instead.  And it’s been great – I haven’t been troubled by self-esteem since.

Gagged slave addiction
Looks safe enough.  Hope he gets something liquid to drink at some point, though.

Hmmm.  I wonder what they’re going to do with those bunches of flowers?

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