More in indifference than in anger

Actually, female spiders eat their mates in only a minority of spider species and you’re in luck – the one that bit her is not from one of them.  So I’m not even sure why she’s doing this, actually, but I’m sure if you point that fact out she’ll let you go.


Actually, the company medical plan does cover males but only for a few, specified surgical procedures.




Just go with it, see where it takes you.  She’s not going to rush anything, plenty of time.


You might develop a foot fetish, eventually.  And if you can develop a fetish for doing chores too you should have a very enjoyable marriage.  Oh – and findom, too.  Yeah, you definitely want to try to get into findom because there’s going to be a lot of that.

Irony… it’s like rain on your wedding day – which actually isn’t all that ironic, it’s just bloody uncomfortable, take it from me, especially when you’re chained up naked outside the church waiting for the bride.


Heels over head in love

Like many submissive men, I pay not to have sex. 

At school, once, this boy and I were talking about some girl and he said “I’d like to get in her knickers!”  So when, a few weeks later, after a midnight excursion, I was able to tell him I was in her knickers, I thought he’d be jealous.  But he wasn’t, oddly enough. It was just a misunderstanding.  How we laughed. The whole class laughed, if I remember rightly.

Benji is actually the Honourable Sir Benjamin Kettleworth-Harcourt, FRCS, but of course he can neither remember nor pronounce that.

Married couples should talk about their interests more.

How does she know I’m scrumptious?  I didn’t detect a French accent, there.

See what’s on the slahhhb

I see you shiver with contemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmplation!

Ah, were would we be without Mistress Eleise de Lacey, eh? I mean, my sheets would be a lot cleaner, just for a start.


Yes, that would work.


Goodness, there she is again.  How does she do that? Unless she has a twin…


If the examining officer can still bend her elbow, the search isn’t complete.


Oh, sometimes one should just give in to temptation.

Commanding respect

Or the one before that.


I like to leave these details to my wife too.  She’s better at that sort of thing.


Return of an old friend.


On the plus side, they do get  lots of great shots of dommes looking really pissed-off.  On the minus, a lot of expensive cameras have been smashed.  Oh – and the photographer’s been hospitalised once or twice too.


Kind of a once-in-a-lifetime experience, huh?

Rebel without a clue

She asked me, “What are you submitting to?” and I smirked and said “What have you got?”.

So she hit me.

I like this one.  I really do.  This is why I caption pictures.

It’s OK, you can scream if you like.  She doesn’t mind. Rather likes it, actually, if done with taste.

Domination Facial
You should be pleased.  Very few men can really make a woman laugh like that.

Toilet slavery and marriage, what a combination
We all have days that feel like that.  Harvey’s are just more literal.

Spiky chastity belt and spiky keyholder
You will thank her later, you know.
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