Unfair maidens

Or even better news.  Depending on what your kink is.
She’s right (she always is) – we men should be able to stand up for ourselves.  Being able to sit down without wincing would be nice, too.

He still has two more wishes, of course. If only the ladies could understand his squeaking… I wonder what they would be?

Of course.

They have a very Special Relationship.

Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted

…and isn’t that great?  Warning: safe for work video after the link.

But what if he never gets to like it?  Hmm.  Not sure she’s thought this one through.


Don’t even ask what the chicken mask is for. A magician never gives up her secrets.


Well, he wasn’t treated exactly like that, obviously.  Dommes tend to keep their places heated quite well, for one thing, in my experience.
It’s actually much harder playing ‘guess the object that’s been shoved up the slave’s anus’ in a single-domme session.  Because then you have to do the guessing and ‘hmmm… it’s definitely something that really hurts’ doesn’t narrow it down much.
Perhaps he should discuss it with his wife.  Or perhaps she should, directly.


Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks

The Lady of Situations. 

Here is the man with three
staves, and here the Wheel,

And here is the one-eyed
merchant, and this card,

Which is blank, is something
he carries on his back,

Which I am forbidden to see.

Sorry – just thought we needed some better poetry, after my recent efforts.  On with the show

Hard maths domme
She’s quite strict, too.  Try to get the sums right.

Actually, it’s the beatings that are about you that are the worst.

Resistance is futile.

Actually, a remarkable 23% of drownings occur at home.  I think this is probably how.  Stay safe – always do your chores to her satisfaction.
 This is from the English Mansion and features Mistress Sidonia von Bork and Mistress Vixen, I believe.  Oh – and ‘Unknown male cadaver #14, recovered from the river Trent at 05.25, 17 September 2013.’ according to the Police report.

No.  I wouldn’t.  I’d want to stay there forever.

Crawling out of the woodwork

Here I go again:

Dread.  A fine healthy emotion, that I always find sneaks up on me as the Tube train gets to a few stations away from Her presence.

OWK torture yum yum
They might do some remodelling work on the bits of his face that still show, too.

Femdom magical mystery
They never really got the point of card tricks either.  Pick a card, slave!  No – wrong!  30 lashes!  Now pick another!

Femdom dominatrix nipple clamps eek!
Oh he loves it really.  Just as well, as he has two hours to go.

Tatooed slaves
Just some rough sketches really.

Full of grace

Whipping the plumber
Isn’t she beautiful?  The man at the back there is very unlucky to be positioned so as not to be able to see her.  But I think he can feel her presence, don’t you?

Captioned femdom image of disparagement
Disparaging with faint praise.

Dominatrix likes it when you beg
If she loves tears, I expect she’ll be in for a treat later when she gets going.

Contemplating the divine goes into reruns
The reference is to a captioned image in this earlier post.
I could have just linked to the Lexi image.  But I really love that one I did of the wife with the computer, so I wanted to give it a further airing.
Incidentally, I understand the image above is itself a trick.  It’s not immediately obvious, but the slave is not really suspended, but lying on the ground.  The athletic Ms Christine is hanging upside down, and the whole image is inverted.  Amazing but true.
Ohh…no it isn’t.  Sorry.  Silly mood today.  Look, here’s a picture of a naked woman,  people seem to like those:

Man stakes everything to become lesbian lover, fails
Must be nice to get out of that nasty belt too.  Lucky boy.  Well, not really a boy.  You know.
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