Dressed to repress


She’s actually very tolerant – it takes a lot to get her to lose her temper. Backchat, obviously.  Disobedience too… and laziness, of course, as well as forgetfulness and ingratitude. Anyway, what I’m saying is that you’ll quite often find yourself not being slapped, even when there might be cause to, so there’s really very little to complain about when you are. Even if she permitted complaining.  Which she doesn’t.




Yeah, first gay sex experience is always going to be a bit daunting.   Once you get through that first time, you can just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening. It won’t be long before you’re a very experienced player, having enjoyed so many sex partners, you’ll have forgotten that just a few hours before you were a virgin. 



Sounds fun… expensive, but worth it.



I found I simply didn’t have time for TV sports any more, after getting married. Busy busy busy.



Toss a coin?






Craven cravings


It’s not that Robert can’t do his own, obviously.  But you’re so much better at it than him – and so much worse at sex.  It just makes sense all round.


You’ll notice she hasn’t said you have to decide quickly, as she’s getting a lot of interest from other potential occupants?  That’s because she isn’t and anyway, she’s already decided.



A cover’s probably best.  They’re quite compassionate, the two of them, so having something unpleasant like that in sight could ruin what they had planned to be rather a special moment.



Ah… back in the time when the gimp suit came off at the end of the day. I miss that stage of our relationship, but times change, I suppose, and we move on.




It’s best not to quibble about the word ‘enjoy’.  It’s like the word ‘slavery’ – means different things to different people.

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