Mistress and commander

Hiding in plain sight.


It’s best not to over-script these things.  A really good session always contains surprises, I reckon.


Let’s hope some of them are a bit cleaner, that’s all I can say.


I don’t see this ending well.


It’s silly to make such a fuss about a little thing like that.

Hopefully devoted

It might sting a bit.  More probably, it’ll sting a lot, actually.


She’s not a big fan of mens lib, to be honest. Just old-fashioned that way.


Sounds a bit edgy. Still, what’s the worst that could happen?


It’s a perspective thing – like that dress the Internet went crazy about.  If you’re looking at this picture and thinking about your own cock, then her strap-on bound to look huge, isn’t it?


I wonder what they’re expecting to happen? I mean there’s just you, a bare concrete cell and a strange scratching and scrabbling sound from behind that grill to your right there…

Get a dose of her in jackboots and kilt

She’s the kind of a girl that makes the News of the World
Yes you could say she was attractively built.

(Pictures are unrelated. I just like the song and the idea of linking it to femdom.)

Bent over secretary
Yes, do try.  Fortunately, I had a bit of an off day when writing these captions, so there are no sexy thoughts here.  Carry on – it’s perfectly safe.

Mistress and sissy
Of course, you can refuse if you like.  But then she’ll stay cross.  That’s really not good news.
Lexi Sindel… and some bloke dressed in pink. 

Girl with sniper rifle
Hmmm.  Well, I’ll try anything once, you know?

Femdom scene 345
Errr… two and a half?  Two and three-quarters… thr… three?

Actually, this isn’t one of mine.  It just arrived in my email inbox.  I thought I’d share it.

She only does it to be cruel

…because she knows it teases.

Sexually inadequate feelings! height=
Nice to know she still respects you for what you are.

Pop into the castration clinic why not
Oh…not the garden centre.  I hate garden centres.

Femdom soldier yum
Great.  You can show off that little dance routine you were practicing with Mike and Gerald before the invasion.  Shame about what happened to them… still, never mind.

Blackmailing femdom fun
It does seem a little unfair, on those of us that would like to be in that position.
 This is, of course, the glorious Goddess Heather.  She shouted at me once, you know.  At Club Pedestal.  I might have mentioned this before.  And I didn’t even have to pay her.  Aaaaah.

Snuff and nonsense
Sometimes you just have to take time for yourself.  Don’t let anything rush you.

I said “Tell me your name, is it Sweet?”, she said “My boy, it’s Dagger.”

Oh yeah.

Girls with guns now
I think it’s rather special that she dressed up for the occasion.

OWK safeword isnt
By the way – don’t be fooled by that ‘the last hour’ into thinking this was some sort of brutal day-long beating!  No, no – it was only just over an hour.  He started screaming desperately for mercy just a few minutes into it, that’s all, when he hit his limit, and then there was about an hour before she stopped.  I mean – they’re not that cruel at OWK, for goodness’ sake.
 Source is fairly obviously the Other World Kingdom, and this is the magnificant Madame Katarina.

Little lost slave
Maybe his Mistress will put up posters or something.  Maybe not.
 Source is the delightful Men are Slaves.  Yes.  Yes, we are.

Just for the hell of it
You never know.  Their victim might actually have been responsible for Amelia Earheart’s disappearance.  Wouldn’t that be something!  You see, lawyers always say that in court you should never ask a witness you don’t know the answer to already, but torture’s not like that.  You can just go where it takes you, you know?
The source for this is a song I don’t like at all from a band I’d never heard of called White Flame.  The video’s pretty good, if you turn the sound off, ignore the band members and just concentrate on the ladies above.

Pencil skirt - who needs a caption?
Somehow, I think you might get to know Debbie quite well.

Extra duty

Hey honey.  How are you?

Oh – yeah, well quite a day. You know we’ve got this terrorist suspect? Well, I was in charge of his interrogation this morning, and he broke completely – but he hadn’t done anything! I mean, I made quite sure. We had a full three-hour session, and he was screaming and begging and pleading for mercy, almost from the start. You know?  I’d already learnt everything before I even started on the second fingernail! He was completely innocent.  Of course, I had to do the rest, and the other stuff as usual – got to do it by the book!

Apparently he was only here because some ex-girlfriend of his was cross with him or something, so she tipped off the security police that he was plotting to bomb a bridge.  It’s really silly, the way they’ll just bring someone in for that sort of thing!  Such a waste of all of our time – and his life and career of course!  Apparently, he was some sort of computer programmer, and I don’t suppose you can do that without fingers.  I think someone should have a word with that ex-girlfriend of his.

So I reported at lunchtime that he was innocent, and do you know, that silly old cow Colonel Travis wasn’t satisfied! Said she thought maybe the suspect was ‘holding out on me’ and maybe I needed to ‘be a bit harder’ on him. Ridiculous! I mean, I know when I’ve broken a man.

But anyway…orders are orders, so I had to go back and do a full afternoon session as well. You should have seen the look on the suspect’s face when I appeared at his cell door again! Shrieking in terror – frantically scrabbling at the walls to get away. He was desperately begging to be executed… especially when I said I wasn’t going to be as easy on him this time.  Poor thing.

Of course, I didn’t find out anything new. He confessed to everything in sight, of course, but it was just because he was so terrified. Especially when I started on his eyes – they always hate that.

Hmmm? Oh yes, he’s still alive. There’s not much left of him, of course. Anyway, Cow-nel Travis had gone when I finished, so I just left the report on her desk. If she has me go back and do him again in the morning I’m going to be so cross! Still – I left a few bits untouched, just in case I have to.

What?  No – not those bits!  Honestly, you men!  One track minds.  They came off early in the afternoon.  Shame – he was kind of cute.

Oh don’t be ridiculous!  How can you be jealous?  Quite apart from the fact that there’s not much of him left, I think he’d be too traumatised for the rest of his life even to speak to a woman, let alone –

Oh were you joking?  Sorry, honey.  I’m still just so keyed-up over having my professional judgement questioned like that.

Anyway…one of those irritating days. Grrr! 

How about we skip the movie, order a pizza and you can take away some of my tension…hmmm? 

I wish she’d make her mind up

You know, for years now my Significant Other has been telling me (and all of her friends, and my co-workers, and people who work in the shops locally and so on) that my cock’s too small.  

But do you know what?  Just the other day, she told me she’s decided it’s too big, and she’s arranged for something to be done about it!

Well, I had to laugh.  Women, eh?

Femdom air stewardess gloves and an attitude
Nothing to worry about – the flight’s delayed by three hours, so there’s plenty of time.

Hairbrushed bridegroom
Married life… it’s going to take some getting used to.  Might as well start now.

Femdom torture but only implied
Looks like she’s decided to work to save the marriage.  That’s a relief.

Hmm.  Another lady who seems to have made a big decision.  Looks like important relationship milestones are a theme of today’s blog.

Hathaway heartache
Worcester is pronounced “wooster”, in case you were wondering.  And this is the most beautiful woman alive.  Anything else I can help you with?

Try to see it Her way

Femdom bride of course
Quite a moment here, in your marriage.  Because it’s the last time you’ll hear “fetch the canvas bag” without experiencing that stab of fear.

Domme hunt
Nothing wrong with a healthy day’s sport.  Really, they’re just helping Nature to keep the numbers down.

Another femdom castration caption?  Dear me
Hmmm… she’s rather pretty isn’t she?  It’ll be fun fantasising about her when you’re lying in bed after your operation.  As long as your throat doesn’t ache so much you’re not feeling in the mood, anyway.  Something to look forward to!

Lesbian twosome is the closest youll get
God, it can be agonising waiting for a woman to come sometimes, can’t it?  Especially when you’ve started drawing blood.  Oh well – better get on with it.

Femdom mercy or merci
Really, you can scream and beg as much as you like.  She doesn’t mind at all.

Brutal loving care

Femdom captions, captioned pictures of female domination, dominatrix, domina, domme, female led relationships and all that kind of search engine bait, y’know?

Here we go:

Girls with guns oh my
To be fair, it wasn’t specifically on the hard limits list you agreed, so she does have every right…

Dragon bride oriental femdom yknow?
You could start by learning Xin lỗi.  That’s ‘Sorry’.  You’ll be needing that a lot*.

Caned by my wife for the other thing
Confession can be really good for dealing with feelings of guilt. Try it.

femdom allowances
Bursting into tears can usually get you a few dollars extra.  What price self-respect?  Oh, about $2.50, maybe $2.75.

Heel boy femdom
* Curiously, the same online phrasebook that gave me Xin lỗi also provides Tàu cánh ngầm của tôi đầy lươn – “My hovercraft is full of eels”
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