Before we start, here’s a bit of found femdom that I haven’t seen anywhere else. You remember Valerie Leon, the lady from the Pink Panther movie (yes you do, it was probably one of your formative sexual experiences, right? Pervert.)
Anyway, an advertising agency in the 1970s obviously thought that the male submissive market was an underexploited market for aftershave so… this. And this. Maybe others, I don’t know.
I imagine it was rather effective. Thinking about the typical British aftershave from the 70s and 80s, I think it’s a fair bet that if you splashed it on liberally before visiting a domme, she’d give you a pretty memorable session. Possibly using a bullwhip from the maximum distance.
Thought you’d like to know.
On we go…
Oh no, not again. Honestly, it’s like that story’s following me around. |
Well, at least two of them like pain a lot. If he really insists, perhaps they could hold a vote. |
Yes, you don’t want to cause ofence to religious people. This blog certanly never does that, except perhaps to the poor evangelical guy who had a Christian blog of the same name… sorry about that, mate. |
I hate it when the legs get caught between my teeth. Don’t you hate that? |
hmm? wha? |