Lip service

A good point.
I think she did, but I wasn’t listening.  Matter of fact, that’s one of the reasons I’m here.
This, I don’t need.

I hope she won’t be long.  Or too thick.

I’ve heard Gal isn’t keen in shaking hands with her many male fans.  I can’t imagine why not.

Marital law

I know how to satisfy my wife sexually.  I just have to hire some help to do it in practice.

Depends what you define as a problem.  There’s obviously going to be a lot of screaming, for a start, and – what’s that you say?  She doesn’t mind the screaming?  Oh, OK then.  No, I don’t think there’s going to be any kind of problem.

Of course, she doesn’t regard him as being on the same level as all her appliances.  She’s a lot closer to her vibrator, for a start.

You should keep the little teensie condoms around, though.  You might get lucky, after all!  How many have you got left?  Three?  Oh yes, that should be more than enough.  The honeymoon only lasts two weeks, after all.

Aunt Clarissa’s used to slightly looser men, of course. I mean, Uncle Arnold hasn’t spent a day without a butt-plug since the 1960s, I understand.

Beneath contempt

… but I’m hoping to elevate myself to that level, through hard work and diligent attention to Her wishes.

Of course, bondage play is out of the question. But also unnecessary.

Yes.  A sympathy fuck would be just awful.  Don’t even think about it.

Don’t get frightened if your top brings out a long and detailed consent form, by the way. It’s the two-sentence versions that should worry you.
You can never have enough hats, gloves, slaves and shoes.
Travel Scrabble?

Pitiful, really

…but it’s all I’ve got.

I once dated a girl who said she wanted me to be a stallion in the bedroom.  So I got all kitted up, you know in reins and harness, and when she came into the room I handed her spurs and the riding whip and she just screamed, slapped me round the face and left. How humiliating. Happy days…

Former boyfriends… bane of my life.

The first time a domme gave me a golden shower and ordered me to lick it up, She asked me what the taste was like.  I replied ‘tart’ and things got very painful, very quickly.   (Non-British readers won’t get that: don’t worry about it, move on).

I took a personality test once and scored a perfect zero.

She’s lying because she knows I like the contempt.  Really, she has to keep swigging at that bottle to take her mind off the hot action in front of her.  Otherwise she’d be overpowered with lust, at the sight of an overweight middle-aged sub, desperately jerking away on the floor by her boots.  Women just can’t resist that kind of thing.

Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted

…and isn’t that great?  Warning: safe for work video after the link.

But what if he never gets to like it?  Hmm.  Not sure she’s thought this one through.


Don’t even ask what the chicken mask is for. A magician never gives up her secrets.


Well, he wasn’t treated exactly like that, obviously.  Dommes tend to keep their places heated quite well, for one thing, in my experience.
It’s actually much harder playing ‘guess the object that’s been shoved up the slave’s anus’ in a single-domme session.  Because then you have to do the guessing and ‘hmmm… it’s definitely something that really hurts’ doesn’t narrow it down much.
Perhaps he should discuss it with his wife.  Or perhaps she should, directly.


At this moment, you mean everything

You in that dress
My thoughts I confess
Verge on dirty
come on Eileen..pleeease.



It’s good to be fit. You get to be flogged further, before collapsing.


Oh, OK.  And I suppose my opinion counts for nothing, here?
Good thing you have an ironing fetish!  You don’t?  Oh. Oh well.
Shall I compare thee to a… errrr… purple cucumber?  Thou art more knobbly and thy veins pulse with lust…


One of my virtual girlfriends is programmed to find out about the others, and ridicule me. 

Actually, that’s not true. I can’t keep a virtual girlfriend for long.  They always reject me.  So unkind…


Mistress and commander

Hiding in plain sight.


It’s best not to over-script these things.  A really good session always contains surprises, I reckon.


Let’s hope some of them are a bit cleaner, that’s all I can say.


I don’t see this ending well.


It’s silly to make such a fuss about a little thing like that.

Like a christian fearing vengeance from above…

…I don’t pretend to know what you want, but I offer love. 

(trigger warning: vanilla link.  For no obvious reason, I’ve always thought of the song as rather D/S… but I think that of many things).



Don’t worry if you’re still confused.  Things will be made clear.


I think that’s disgraceful.  Just because we’re submissive doesn’t mean ladies can treat us like doormats, can they?  Well, I mean, obviously, if a lady like one of these wanted to treat me literally as a doormat, that would be fine, wiping her muddy boots across my back, but erm… OK, maybe they can then. 


And you prefer not being gay too, don’t you, so it sounds like you and Master Mark are very compatible!


Get another one, of course.  There’s plenty.  Hello!  Ma’am?  Over here!


I offer love… this is one of the most Significant of the Others in my life.  Lady Sophia Black is simply wonderful.

You can get more with a kind word and a whip…

… than you can with just a kind word.

These ladies know that.

Disappointed?  Well.. maybe a little.


He can continue to explore his interest in blow jobs too, I understand.



Enjoy. Only 25 seconds now…


I’ll confess, I don’t often last the full twenty seconds.  But she’s not one of those women who minds if her man comes very quickly.


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