Sexual harming

It’s so good for me…

I think the correct answer is “No, Mistress”

Oh, I don’t know.  Looks to me like it turned out pretty well.
 Image from the menareslaves site, like it says.  And that is the lovely Mistress Mina Thorne on the left there!  And on the right…errr… anyone?  She’s lovely too of course, the beautiful Natalie Minx (with thanks to Mr Anonymous in the comments below).


A new departure for Contemplating the Divine.  Brutal treatment of submissive girls!  I can hardly bring myself to look.. the poor little thing.  She didn’t deserve this.  I mean, he’s got another seven fingers hasn’t he?


I find in these conversations that at first she does most of the talking, but as it carries on I find myself becoming more and more vocal and emotional about it.
This is the wonderful Gigi Allens, from ClareSpanksMen.  She was featured here before, at length.

Or if you can’t be brave, just let the restraints be brave for you.

Resistance is futile

Utterly futile.

I love the way a recent article in the Guardian about science fiction on British TV just *happened* to use an image from this episode featuring whip-wielding dominatrices to exemplify the series Space 1999.


That’s only fair, because you’re not in fact safe.
The awesome Jean Bardot.


Aww… look at that little pout.  Isn’t she sweet when she’s cross?  Better do what the little woman says, hmmm?  Just to humour her, you know.  You can assert yourself later, I expect.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a sweaty trainer stamping on a human face — forever*.


I do.
Mistress Francesca Harding, prepared it would seem to help with life-long learning experiences.

*Test time!  What is the slightly garbled literary reference?  Hmm?  Anyone?  You!  You at the back – hands out of your pockets, boy! – what’s the answer?

Unreasonable force

Young dominant wife in charge mmmm
He’s a lucky guy.
Planet Femdom, of course.  If you like statuesque ladies brutally dominating… well, that bloke mostly.  I do, actually.  Rather a lot.

Castration at home
Cruelty-free farming has its downsides.  Still, I’m glad she found a solution.

Obedient servant femdom
Oh dear.  Another of those painful conversations.

Actually, the story is rather simple.  The post of office tampon boy was advertised, so he studied, and prepared and pulled every string he knew of to get it.  But wouldn’t you?

Try not to take it too badly.  Just because you’ll be spending the rest of your life alone, in poverty, with your empty days filled only with the longing for her doesn’t mean you have to be miserable.  It just makes it very, very likely.

Timing is everything

So I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try out Graham’s invention.  Of course, you can’t see, because it’s behind you and you’re strapped so very tightly across the whipping block.  But back there, the mechanical arm holding the cane is fully retracted, so the machine’s ready to strike.  When it does, the electric motor drives a small wheel into rapid motion, increasing tension for a second or two, before the arm is released and the cane lashes across your bottom.

It’s that little delay that makes it work, actually. Poor old Graham kept on trying and trying to propel the arm immediately to make the stroke, but you can never get enough force to get it to lash at the speed you need for a proper impact.  It took him ages to find a solution.  I was getting quite frustrated actually – he was probably getting more strokes from me manually than he was testing each day on the machine.  But that delay lets the speed build up and then – whoosh, and it cracks across your buttocks.  So you’ll hear a little whir for a second or so, before you hear the cane whistling through the air.  I’ve asked him to work on that whirring sound – it would be better if there weren’t any warning.  I’m sure he’ll be able to sort it out, with the right encouragement from me.  Still – it canes hard and that’s the main thing.

So after the stroke it winds back again, going a little bit up or down so it doesn’t keep caning the same spot.  Graham himself suggested that little feature, actually, after the first time I tried it on him.  Twelve on exactly the same spot makes you ever so sore.  He started work on the vertical motion straight away after that!  Anyway, I can set it to go steadily up or down, or just let it go randomly.

Oh, you’ll find out.  The pattern should be clear by stroke three or four or so.

I’m so pleased with this.  I mean, I’m not going to stop caning boys manually, obviously!  But sometimes it’s nice just to hand the job over.  And there’s something quite relentless and brutal about being caned by a machine… the way it just keeps going, no matter what you say or how piteously you cry or scream.  I mean, so do I of course, but boys still always start making a fuss after a while, in the hope that I’ll go easy on them.  Boys can be so stupid. Well, this machine takes that hope away.

You look worried!  No…maybe worried isn’t the right word.  You look terrified.  Well, so you should.  You’re getting twelve, good and hard – and I’ve already programmed them in.  Nothing you can do.

But you know, I haven’t told you about the cruellest feature yet.  Do you want to know?

I can programme the speed.  It can go at any speed I like.  So what do you think is about to happen, hmmm?


No.  Oh for goodness’ sake.  You boys are so unimaginative.  You think that the worst thing I could do to you is to make it go as fast as possible?  Twelve strokes in quick succession – THWACKTHWACKTHWACKTHWACKTHWACK?

Well, it could do that.  And obviously that would be sheer hell – it would certainly make you scream.  But that’s not what I’ve done.  Quite the opposite.  Can’t you guess?

Between now and – oh about nine o’clock tonight – you’ll receive twelve strokes.  It’s just gone noon, so that’s about one every 45 minutes.  But they won’t come regularly.  The intervals have been set to be random – anything between 30 seconds and two hours.  You will get all twelve – you can depend on that.  But you’ll never know when the next one’s coming, as you wait there hour after hour.  Until you hear that little whir anyway… then you have a second or so to brace yourself.  It’ll be so much better when Graham’s sorted that out…

Yes, you see?  I thought you would.  It’s much worse than getting twelve all at once, isn’t it? 

Do you think the randomness makes it worse?  I wasn’t sure about that.  I like the thought that you’ll be on edge for all of that time, never knowing when – or precisely where – the next stroke will land.  But on the other hand, it might be nice some time to try spacing them evenly – say, one every hour.   And you could have a clock in front of you, watching the seconds counting steadily down.  Or no clock, and you’d be frantically estimating whether the hour is nearly up.  Maybe we’ll try that next time.

Hmm?  Oh, we’ve already started.  I switched it on about five minutes ago.  Every five minutes you have about a one in nine chance of a stroke.  It could have happened already. But it didn’t.  It will, though.  That’s certain: you’ve still got all twelve to go.  It could happen any second… or not for almost two hours… it’s just up to that little microchip.  Out of my control anyway, and certainly out of yours.

Hmm?  Yes, I know it’s cruel.  I am.

Anyway, it’s not much of a spectator sport, so I’m going to go about my day and leave you to it.  Don’t worry, I’m not leaving the house, so I’ll be able to hear you scream from time to time.  You’ll be quite secure here, though.  And if you start to feel thirsty – and I think you will, if you keep sweating like that, or if you start crying – just remember that it’s supposed to be a punishment and you deserve it.

See you.

Oh – you know, I just had a thought.  Maybe instead of designing out the little whirring sound, Graham could design it in!  So that – I don’t know – about five times out of six or so, there’s the sound but no stroke.  Wouldn’t that be fun?  I’ll have to have a word with him.

Enjoy the rest of the day.

  The lady here is of course the formidable and beautiful (and formidably beautiful) Mistress Cassie Hunter, The Hunteress.  Visit her web site if you’re feeling interested and want to see more, visit her in person if you’re feeling guilty and need to suffer.

You can get more with a harsh word and a whip

… than you can with just a harsh word.  To misquote Al Capone.

Femdom objectification
And perhaps not.  It really doesn’t have any say in the matter anyway.

Boxed slave
I wonder what’s in the box?

Caning mistress
Very practical.

Double domme
Anyway, it’s not really a problem if he does suffocate: she’ll still come.

She has my attention already.

Servitor says: new widget!   Try the new lucky dip feature, over to the right there.

Words of discomfort

Honey blonde
And of course, you do.  It’s a question of how much you want it.  Or rather, how much she does.

Female led in the right direction
It’s good that he feels he can get these things out in the open.  And good, as well, that she feels she can beat the shit out of him if he does.

Lying slave
Who’d have guessed?

…and then?
You mustn’t assume from this that they cruelly starve all their slaves to death, because that’s just not true.  Some they fatten up for slaughter.

Fatale attraction

Normal service is now resumed.  And I can use the letter ‘i’ and everything.

Impalas!  Intrepid!  Vicissitude!  Inimitable!  Mississississississipipipipitipie!

Oh god, that felt good.

On we go.

Bloody nose femdom
It’s not a good idea to make her cross.

Femdom dress code
That’s right, Dave.  Stand up for yourself, mate.

First time domme
Oh, it’ll be OK.  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Big whip, huh?  Small room…

I asked my SO for a regular date to be fixed for my masturbation day.  She chose 29th February.
She can be cruel like that.


Yeah, don’t beat yourself up about it.  That’s her job.
(joke copyright the Addams Family movie.  It’s better when Angelica Houston says it.)

The four stages

It is a well known fact that the development of any skill passes through four stages.  Let me illustrate:

1.  Unconscious incompetence

The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit.


 They may deny the usefulness of the skill.


The individual must recognise their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage.

The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.

2.  Conscious incompetence

Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize the deficit…



…as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit



The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.

… and then apparently there’s another two stages, but I have never got beyond conscious incompetence.  I’m really good at that, as regular readers of the blog will know.


Frankly, Mistress, spank me

The title of course, yet another attempt to gain a veneer of artistic respectability by quoting someone with talent, in this case The Smiths.

The song speaks to me, though, and especially this line:
                 I didn’t realise you wrote such bloody awful poetry

No poetry today, you’ll be pleased to hear.  Onward, with feeling:

Lesbian trap
I’m not sure what this caption is on about, to be honest.  All lesbian couples look like this, don’t they?  It must be true – the Internet sez so.

Keeps you fit.  Very good for your health.  Until she reaches five, anyway.

One day I’ll meet someone who appreciates me just for what I am – a pathetic, desperate and unattractive loser who’ll willingly hand over cash for a brief moment of pretence that I am otherwise.

The lovely Princess Kali, being lovely as ever.

Just another attempt to make some positive use of the flood of male-dom pictures swirling around and polluting our beloved Internet.

Locked in abasement

It’s where you’ll usually find me.  If you can be bothered to look.

Chastity femdom picture that kind of thing
She feels your pain.  But not quite as much as you do.

Caning femdom picture that kind of thing
It’s supposed to look like that.  But then – you’re supposed to be caned, too.

We love Jerry Ryan
Let’s hope it’s not a third six.  It can happen, though.  I once rolled a huge pile of dice and almost all of them came up six.  I can’t remember exactly how many, but it was at least seven of nine.

Madame Sarka breaks a new slave
You wouldn’t think dommes would be so indecisive, would you?

At least one of these magnificent ladies is the awesome* Madame Sarka, formerly of the OWK and now of herself.  If any ‘readers’ can help identify the other lady, I will be grateful.

Badly stoned femdom
One art critic described her work as ‘a joyful celebration of life, movement and freedom’, which is rather ironic, when you think about it.

* When I use the word ‘awesome’ it should be understood in its original sense, meaning ‘inspiring awe’, rather than it’s modern sense (pronounced ‘ossom’) meaning ‘quite good’.
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