Unnecessary evil

It’s just for fun.

Many men in these circumstances make the mistale of starting with an apology – which is insulting and offensive to her, as it’s a way of trying to control her reaction, you know? It’s a Mars/Venus thing. Try just calmly acknowledging the facts of your behaviour, observe her reaction, then after that (or during it, even) apologise as profusely and abjectly as you feel the situation merits.
They choose a different male to participate every day – oh, and two on Saturdays, when there’s a matinee show for kids, of course.
So much simpler that way. There’s enough that’s complicated in this world: shoe buying shouldn’t have to be.
Don’t feel you have to be brave for her. She wouldn’t enjoy it as much if you were.
Despite what you might think from the picture, their order’s habit (clothing) is actually very mainstream. There was just a mix-up at the laundry, some of the clothing got mislaid, so they had to buy a few extra nun costumes, and as luck would have it, the only place still open was the local fetish shop. Obviously, they’ll be taking this up with the owners of the laundry, who might find themselves in need of rather a lot of penance.
Isn’t it sweet, how she’s not just thinking of her own pleasure?

Girls just wanna have power

That’s not strictly true – she actually does care. That’s why she does it.
Let’s hope Mistress is feeling forgiving. It’s not been known to happen often but there’s always hope.
Sounds ideal.
Right now, he’s thinking having to cope with her passive-aggresive behaviour is actually worse than being whipped. He’s wrong, but we’ll let him discover that for himself, shall we?
She didn’t really suspect him of having an affair. She has more confidence in his fidelity to her than that – an unshakeable confidence, actually.

Just look in to those eyes and say the first thing that comes into your head. What’s the worst that could happen?

Sorry the blog’s been a bit Joyless lately, but that’s fixable.

Mulier Sapiens

There’s just never enough time in the day, is there? If only men could multi-task, but alas, that’s not an option.
She’s lucky to have a friend who’ll take the time to listen – you know, they’ve been walking for two hours already? You can’t rush these kinds of conversations.
It’s OK to discuss men’s lib when it’s just women idly chatting round a dinner table; it’s not like males breaking the law by saying the same things.
Maybe when ‘Supreme Mistress Suzannah’ realises what she has done, she could rush back? I’m not saying she would – she wouldn’t want to disappoint her mum.
Hmm? Oh, sorry, was I supposed to add a caption down here?
If nuclear war is about to break out, it looks like Strict Mistress Susan’s House of Correction will be the place that gets the call. Which, y’know, might even work out better?


It’s a very genuine relationship the two of you have; nothing faked here.
Perhaps you could reassure her by explaining it’s your first time being stomped to death, too.
Sounds like she’s doing all the work in this relationship; I hope you are ordered to express your gratitude some time.
If all else fails there’s a surgical solution but that’s only recommended in extreme cases or if a woman requests it.
She’s perfect so she’s determined that your servitude to her should be, too.
I’m sure they’ll make room for her; they’re nice like that.

Unrelated, there is a random bit of vanilla vaguely referencing femdom here. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2007-07-18 I read the caption and thought… yeah, but what was the one thing?

The brutal reality

As the little disclaimer to the left there states, this blog makes no claim whatsoever to realism. Over the years, this has served me quite well as a catch-all excuse, when certain commenters – anonymous or otherwise – point out small inconsistencies, minor plot holes or blatant and wildly implausible attempts to ignore the physical laws of the Universe in one caption or another.

But just for a change (but not for the first time, or the second or even the third), we’re going to be focused on reality in today’s post: the truth about femdom. How it really is. Because that’s reality. Because. That. Happens.

Don’t worry, we’ll be rejoining the unreality-based community in the next post, on Tuesday.

One of my regular dommes agreed instantly, when I asked her for a gentle, slow-paced four-hour boot-worship session, but things got a little difficult when I turned up and she realised I’d hoped she’d be wearing the boots during the whole time.
As long as there’s something soft nearby to break her fall if she topples over, maybe?
Anyway, the bowl doesn’t have to go through the bars, does it, he can just stick his head out and… hmmm… Oh well. Ella can be Kross with me whenever she likes and it’s all good.
Cruella especially has perfected the photographic genre of ‘domme standing in stiletto heels on a hard surface surrounded by muddy countryside – with no clue how she got there or how she’s going to get away.’ It’s a minority interest, obviously.
More a comment on this blog’s approach to images of lesbian joy than the general reality.
Too right. I was watching Penance and Repentance for the Naughty Nympho Nuns yesterday evening and they got the words of the catechism completely wrong -spoiled the whole thing for me.

Trunign ponts


Number 42 in the series, apparently! How many roads must a man walk down before he reaches a turning point, eh? OK, one, I suppose, as if he was on a second road he would presumably already have passed a turning point. OK, so not a good analogy, but you see what I’m trying to say here, right? Erm… anyway, I’ll just get on with the not-quite-femdom captions, now.

Rulers of your lonely heart

My approach, whenever there’s anything ambiguous in my SO’s instructions, is just to do all of the things she might possibly have meant. It’s a lot less trouble than asking for clarification, which I often find turns out to be quite uncomfortable.

Hardly worth going back on for the second half. Still, I suppose it teaches them valuable lessons for their adult lives.
Korean’s a difficult language to learn, I understand, but with the right motivation you can quickly pick up all the phrases you really need to know.
Scientists (mainly Serena and Alice, actually) have conducted extensive tests on the tensile strength of scrotums – although I understand they’re always looking for more volunteers, if you fancy it. You’d only be giving up an afternoon and it’s to help science.
Hmmm. Better concentrate.
It’s a funny story actually, because although it was very unprofessional, no one was actually hu – well, OK, someone was hurt, repeatedly and extensively, but he didn’t suffer any actual permanent damage. I understand the stage manager did apologise to Annie afterwards, for any embarassment his errors had caused her.

It’s your own fault, darling.

So stop making excuses.

It must be terrible for Raoul, thinking about and wanting sex all the time and but having sometimes to spend entire days without it. No wonder he lashes out at you, the poor frustrated guy.
The smell can get pretty bad but it never reaches the guards’ quarters, so no one suffers who isn’t supposed to.
Don’t worry, they haven’t been tested on animals; the pharmaceutical company that makes them has a cruelty-free policy.
Many men who embark on a serious chastity relationship end up being quite surprised at how infrequently they really need an orgasm. I haven’t needed one for years now, apparently.
Guys: you shouldn’t be shy about telling your date what you like to do. I’m sure most women would vastly prefer to watch you sweatily wank on their boots than actually letting you touch them.
You might have safety concerns about such a woman being in a male institution – but don’t. Any male prisoners with whom she has to share a cell will be physically restrained before the door is slammed shut leaving her alone with them for the night, so she should be safe enough. Anyway, she seems cheerful enough at the prospect of it, the brave young thing.

Spare the rod and spoil the marriage

Don’t worry: these ladies won’t.

Some wives are actually quite liberal in extending ‘permission to ask’ – one of my SO’s friends lets her boys beg whenever they like, says she rather enjoys it.
Especially when you’re wearing the pink one.
Of course, if you don’t enjoy it, you can always just wait until she orders you to argue or complain, then you can tell her all about how you feel.
For non-British readers; if a domme ever accuses you of ‘taking the piss’, she’s not referring to your impressive swallowing technique during toilet-play, she’s probably quite cross with you (‘pissed-off’ even).
If she holds her hand in the right place, they won’t see the leash, either.
One of my SO’s former girlfriends was an ears, nose and throat specialist. It was quite a relief when I discovered she specialised in removing tonsils, not ‘tonsils’.

… and as an extra, here’s a sweet little femdom video if you like that sort of thing.

Now, please, darling

She’s right, of course.
Sometimes Lisa quite likes dealing with the easier cases who break almost immediately, for a change: it gives her a chance to explore some techniques without any pressure. Plus, she enjoys the terrified pleading and screaming.
They’re thinking of making it a compulsory module, so most nurses will have had at least some experience of castrating males. Although they never had any lack of volunteers when it was optional.
Oh, I don’t know. One of my SO’s boyfriends gave me a contempt fuck one day and it was quite memorable.
Or breathe in to hang around abit longer – up to you. She’d rather get on with it, but just this once I think she might let you choose.
It’s obviously been bothering her a lot, poor thing.
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