Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
Adapting your behaviour’s really easy. In fact, if you just go with the flow, she’ll adapt it for you. [P.S. Don’t you love her t-shirt? I wrote the caption, for which the image was already perfect, before I’d noticed it.]
There are many things he’d like her to do. He’s learnt to cope with disappointment, though.
One fact-checking organisation did give Contemplating The Divine a 7% rating for truthful reliability, but that was focused on a few posts in which I’d exposed and deprecated my own sexual and other inadequacies… a more representative selection of posts would probably put it about 1%… maybe 2.
You could say no…. even to Sven. But imagine that disappointed face, hmmm?
The most important part of the session – handing over the tribute – went without a hitch, so anything else is best regarded as an extra.
Her predictions usually come to pass. She’s brutally honest with them, too: doesn’t hold back from giving bad news.
This image (and associated Femme Fatale movie) is of a truly historic event, in featuring Mistress Eleise de Lacy and Lady Sophia Black together. Two of the most beautiful, talented and creative dommes ever. Servitor has had the extraordinary honour of serving both wonderful ladies in person, but never together… that, I think, would have made my head and probably several other body parts explode.
Oh, those grabber machines… they can be such an exercise in frustration.
Their buy-one-get-one-free offers are pretty good, but they had to abandon their no-questions-asked policy on taking back damaged goods, as too many dommes were abusing it.
You’ve got to be careful with the wording of hard limit lists. For example, mine rules out blow torch play, but it turns out welding arcs are actually hotter! Oh well, live and learn.
It’s easy to tell them apart – his helmet reads ‘other gimp’.
It might all sound complicated but actually, it’s a lot easier to learn Czech than… well: refusing to learn Czech. You’ll see. Don’t worry about making grammatical and other mistakes at first: the ladies expect that; in fact they rather enjoy pointing out those little errors.
The trutch can be painful, but not usually quite as painful as lies.
Fateful for you, that is. The decisions are hers alone.
I think there’s room for some negotiation here, where by ‘negotiation’ I mean abject and unconditional begging for her forgiveness and scurrying off to do exactly what she said.
It’s one of his domme’s favourite activities. The local pet supply shop does so well out of her, the owners sent her a Christmas card.
Ooh – sounds like she might be about to give you a second chance! Guess that cheesy chat-up line worked after all, huh?
‘Dress for success’, that’s her motto.
Next, I expect she’ll ask about what happens when you plug it into the electrical mains and turn the dial. They always do… those that don’t just try it for themselves without asking.
I’ve never understood guys who get sexual pleasure from tying up or gagging women. If she can’t speak, how can she order you about? Anyway, such men are nasty perves who enjoy hurting people, and there should be zero tolerance of that, so I’m sure they deserve whatever these two public-spirited ladies and their friends have planned.
But unreasonable ones are so much sexier. Wouldn’t femdom be dull if our goddesses were reasonable? Today’s post celebrates the unfairer sex.
Don’t worry, she’ll be happy to whip you after your explanation too.
She knows you could go quickly even with your ankles chained to nipple clamps, if you really wanted to. And the spurs will help you want to.
She prefers to concentrate on the basic facts and not be distracted by irrelevancies – and it’s hard to think of anything that’s much more irrelevant to her than which male is which.
Actual quote from an actual session. Only what was being pointed to was an area of the dungeon containing various things, only one of which was actually meant. I got it eventually.
You need to rethink your priorities. Don’t worry: she’ll help you.
Lovely Lady Sophia Black. Don’t even ask – she’s retired.
Clever Kitten solved the problem and now the two of you can focus on what’s important.
I think Martin Luther said that. He rarely features in online femdom porn: odd because I’m pretty sure I read somewhere he subsisted on a diet of worms, which sounds pretty hardcore. Like many subs, I am much more into Catholic guilt anyway.
On we go.
‘Several’. OK. That’s better than ‘a few’. And ‘a few’ can be quite a lot, as I discovered when my SO decided to give me a few strokes of the cane the other day.
Yeah, but you don’t get that personal touch of being contemptuously ignored.
Ah – a religiously-themed caption, to actually fit with the title of today’s post. Except it doesn’t. Content is usually unrelated, as I imagine you’ve worked out by now. Anyway, she seems to take her duties very seriously, even finding joy in them, so good for her.
Tricks of the trade.
The pain she’s currently got planned for him is necessary, but not sufficient. Not sufficient for her, anyway.
And another religious-themed caption. Any caption featuring the divine Anya is necessarily religious-themed.
What an embarassing misunderstanding. Still, no harm done.
Precious looks a little worried. She shouldn’t be – the lady in red, there, likes to talk tough but she never really harms her playmates. She’s more into the psychology of dominating them than pain or other physical activities, you see. Oh: and brutally torturing their husbands too, but then that’s also part of the psychological game, you see?
Much fairer that way, in that there’s less chance of your escaping justice.
It’s funny how ther girls who aren’t really into humiliation play can be so good at it. Some of the dates I went on as a teenager can make me cringe with remembered humiliation in a manner that a specialist to whom I’ve paid hundreds of pounds for the session could only dream of…
Been a while since I did a post about Rule 18. Why? Oh, probably because that series isn’t really femdom and no one likes it. But I was thinking… do I actually care what my readers like? Do they deserve to see stuff they like? The answer to both questions has to be no, of course not. And you know you don’t deserve that, if you’re honest with yourselves, don’t you, hmm? That’s right. So this is what you get today.
For anyone confused, beyond the normal male mental fog, ‘Rule 18’ is from Servitor’s (rather presumptuous and impertinent) advice to a novice domme and it states “try to avoid sessions with clients who have really specific fetishes and can’t get off unless it is exactly right.”
Mostly just silly pictures, but some have captions. Oh – and at the end, some illustrations of why Rule 3 matters, too.
To comply with decency laws, the picture has been cropped to avoid showing what is holding up the central peg. Incidentally, in English croquet, unlike the American version, you don’t hold either of the pairs of balls down with your foot when you whack them with the mallet. Though that does sound fun.
And this one too. He said green wellies, dammit. Green!
If they finish the piece and he doesn’t clap, they’ll beat the crap out of him, of course. Oh, and if he does he’ll collapse, they’ll fall off and then they’ll… well, I’m sure you can guess.
I hope she’s remembered to bring all the latex, this time.
Don’t ask. She just wants to get it over with.
Best to hold the session when the tide’s going out, I’ve heard.
Now that’s just obscene. Do people really…?
Post-script: I promised you some Rule 3 illustrations too. Rule 3? Oh, yeah, sure: “You are not expected to have sex with your clients. Thank goodness.” Basically, just images of particularly unattractive malesubs*, especially in the presence of a gorgeous goddess.
Divine Mistress Heather, of course, kindly letting her sub land in water for the practice attempt before the filming starts.
* I suppose some people might object to my sneering at the appearance of people who are – after all – just male submissives like myself. Why should they be singled out to be degraded and humiliated, by my mocking them in this way? Isn’t it unfair? And the answer is yes, of course, it is: they really ought to be paying for this treatment, the cheap little bastards. But hey, it’s nearly Christmas, right? They can have this one as a freebie.
I don’t see what’s odd about it. My SO loves the sound of me being hard at work: sometimes she’ll set me to a particularly backbreaking, pointless activity, just to help her get off to sleep. It’s much better than taking pills.
Her choices, that is. You already made your choice.
Ah, dommes and their ‘first meeting’ directions. It’s a good thing I have a fetish for being criticised for failing at pointlessly complicated tasks… it’s like a bonus 5 minutes on the session.
That’s good… many types of slave food are actually quite high-calorie. Cockroaches, for instance, especially plump ones that are still fresh and wriggling.
Bets view of the dancing, that is. Your view of the actual ball-busting part of the show might be a bit less clear, through the tears and red mist of agony. But the dance is great: it builds up, you see, starting slow but circling in towards you, high-kicking more and more vigorously as they get closer, before the grand finale.
The title, obviously, indicating that it’s a special dedicated to that wholesome British country pastime, The Hunt. Vicious, brutal and non-consensual with no scantily clad ladies but lots of words. Those last two may well put male readers off, I know, but no one here cares what males think, so that’s fine.
You should care about her a lot more than she cares about you. But you probably do anyway, even without realising it.
It’s only about 40 minutes walk, in those high heels. And at her very reasonable tribute rates, that’s only a little more expensive than taking… oh, a helicopter, I suppose?
Don’t worry, they’ve all given their consent: in fact, they renew that consent in a lovely little ceremony every morning, just after the 5am work detail finishes.
Oooh – that’ll be your first discussion as a married couple! I wonder if it will feel different?
In the event, Treasure decided to keep the jar. It’s not that she wants to look at the disgusting thing, but she said she likes to know it’s there, you know? And I suppose it has sentimental value for you, too, so maybe she was thinking of that as well.
I hope the boys appreciate how pretty it is, this time, rather than just ripping it off.