Tortuous logic

She wants to feel your pain.
The stepdaughter – new stepdad relationship can be difficult at first, but it looks like she’s adjusting well.
I experience a lot of loving discipline in my relationship – in fact, I think I’m very lucky still to experience such intensity of love so very frequently, after all these years of married bliss.
Don’t worry, she’ll be very professional. Brutal but professional.
Oooh… I’ve got a pleated grey skirt too! I don’t wear it very often but the occasions when I do are very special to me. I have a blouse, socks, tie, blazer and satchel to complete the ensemble.
She lives on the cleanest street in Poznan.

The bonds of love

It’s easy to wait patiently when you’re chained up. Or at least, it’s not different in any sense that really matters from waiting impatiently. Still… if there’s a biscuit going, I’m not saying no!
Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time for desperately remorseful apologies – they might even let you beg for forgiveness, if they’re in a generous mood.

Cruella, of course – even the Editrix herself (yes she was, who else do you imagine wrote the editorials?), Lady Victoria, on the right there. She inspired Goddess-Lady Lucia, you know.

Arguably, offering a plausible explanation is ‘impertinence’ in and of itself, but I’ve learnt not to argue.
Fortunately, your wife has a very high tolerance for observing pain, so I doubt the safeword will be needed. Still: safe, sane and consensual, right? Any BDSM play should incorporate at least two of those.
Not a good start to a lifetime of married bliss, is it? Still, I expect you’ll improve and she expects that too.
See – and you were worried you wouldn’t be respected in this relationship! They value your expertise in menial drudgery and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Makes me shiver

Makes me quiver…

What were you thinking? Did you forget your marriage vows? The real ones, I mean, not that nonsense in the church ceremony.
It’s a very fair system; she manages using data. And you’ll just have to manage without.
Make sure you get a doggie suit, not any other animal, though. The caterpillar suits can be hard going over stony ground and fish play is really not recommended in the Czech winter.
They’ll jingle jingle even more when you dance. And you will dance, sissy.
Once you reach your one thousand and fortieth it’s hard to find any one strapping particularly memorable, but she’s going to give it her very best shot to celebrate the anniversary.
He did manage one last publication after entering Her service: Charabdis, P. and Smackmybottom, S. S. (2017) “Dynamic optical scattering as a measure of surface smoothness at nanoparticle scale: applications to boot-polishing”, Annals.Phys. Ltrs. Vol 23, 4462 – 4473.

Benevolent brutality

She’ll work around it. A relationship is founded on how the partners feel about one another; things like whips and canes and tawses are just the physical expressions of that.
He’s not actually naturally balding; she just prefers him that way as she says it tickles less when she’s watching TV.
Wow – sounds like you might have an important assignment on your very first day!
He doesn’t need to check his privilege because she’s checking it thoroughly on his behalf.

Classic Cruella, of course, featuring the stunning Lady Sonia and the lovely Lynda Leigh. And some bloke, probably with an ugly moustache, but who cares, eh?

You might as well blame yourself. After all, she‘s going to be blaming you and it’s not as if anyone else cares.
I think we know what’ll happen to Rob if he doesn’t make more of an effort. Rob doesn’t, but he’s more brawn than brains.

Take you over and under and twisted up like origami

Sounds like she’s got a good understanding of the basics already.
There’s no excuse for that kind of rudeness. Hugo’s got as much right to enjoy your wife, free from any snide sideways looks, as any of the other guys, right?
Like any organization, OWK needed administrative staff but the ladies early on hit on a brilliant scheme to keep the staff costs down. Incidentally, I understand their management style was largely ‘top down’ although could occasionally also be described as ‘bottom up’.
Just a bit of harmless roleplay… indulge her. In her nurse’s uniform, mmm….
She likes to keep her slaves fit. And in pain, too, of course.
Sounds like she’s got a lot of work to do, in this marriage. I’m sure she’s up to it, though.

The sobs and tears of joy…

“… he had not foreseen rose with such force within him that his whole body shook and for a long time prevented him from speaking. Falling on his knees by her bed. He held his wife’s hand to his lips and kissed it, and her hand responded to his kisses with weak movement of her finger.”*

More femdom from a less gentle but more genteel age. I know this series won’t appeal to a lot of the male readers of this blog, as there isn’t a lot of female flesh on display and the captions have a lot of words, some of them quite long and difficult.** And if I cared what they think, I suppose I would do something about that.

Cousin Kitty looks forward all year to her visits.

Reader, she married him twice.
I’ve often sessioned with dommes who start sentences with “Perhaps…” like this lady, when what they’re suggesting might happen always does happen. So I do wonder if they understand the meaning of the word. Next time I hear it in session, I might try explaining this is a word to be used in a conditional sentence expressing a remote prospect, so we should understand it to imply that what she’s suggesting is unlikely to occur. I’ll let you know how that goes.
Ah… the tale of Wanda and Severin. A classic romance – my SO fell in love with that book.
She dislikes indelicate subjects. She dislikes insubordinate subjects too, of course, and she’s the Queen, so there are consequences.
It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.***

* Not Austen, Tolstoy. But fortunately, I have a tag for that already.

** Pro-tip: try moving your lips quietly when you read. Women won’t mind if they see you doing it; they all know we males are morons. Counting on your fingers can help when there are hard maths sums to solve, too.

*** That one is Austen.

Since you’re all the way down here, reading the footnotes, you’ve obviously got nothing better to do with your time (still locked up, are we? awww, never mind…) so here’s a trivia question for you: what links caption 2 and caption 5 – and also (unintentionally on my part) the text but not the image in caption 6? Hmm?

Stinging rejoinders

Let her enjoy the moment, can’t you? For as long as it lasts.
I think a nun could be perfect and still not free from sin. Miss Kenworthy here is – quite literally – a perfect example.
Less is more, they say. And it’s better to give than receive, which I’ve certainly found to be true in my marriage.
Even without direct knowledge, obviously she does know in general terms how painful it is. She’s very knowledgable on that sort of thing.
Funny how ‘can’ means ‘must’ sometimes.
A day trip to remember.

Slavish loyalty

…it’s the best sort.

While they’re gone, the areas on your back they left free of suncream should get nicely sunburnt, so you can pass the time trying to work out what word they wrote.
Thank goodness for that.
Kevin’s going to stand up and be a man. For once.
I admire high-powered career women like her. She manages to hold time a full time job and still take care of inspecting all the housework, as well as putting a lot of time and effort into the relationship itself.
Fortunately, shrieking hysterically when subjected to even moderate CP is something I’m really good at, as every domme I have ever sessioned with can attest.
You’re special, never forget that. She won’t.
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