…. will nowhere feature in this post* as this one is about magic and fairy tales. Sorry.
Their marriage remained strong all through their lives, I’m happy to be able to report, although it’s true that ‘occasional froggy days’ soon grew to outnumber the non-froggy days. And she also got a lid for the jar, but that was more because of a very close shave involving her cat than anything one could truly call ‘oppressive’.
Actually, the signs were there from the very first night of the Prince’s ball. Anyone outside his palace soon after her dramatic arrival would have seen the ‘horses’ gasping in heaving lungfuls of air to get their breath back after the journey – as well as the whip marks on the backs of the ‘horses’ and ‘footmen’. But if anyone noticed, they didn’t tell the Prince. Ah well.
She does occasionally put honey on things. And not only to attract fire-ants to pegged-down naked humans screaming in fear, just in case you were wondering.
You can bet if I’m ever shrunk by an evil witch, I’ll be no more than three inches tall… four, tops. It’s just my luck.
On the other hand, with the stepsisters gone and the Prince preoccupied (obsessed, even), Cinderella was able to inherit her father’s cobbler’s business. She became quite rich, in due course, when the Prince became King and everyone wanted to wear boots like the Queens’*.
* Or any post here, frankly.
* Note the position of the apostrophe on that word.
The "elves" one reminds me of the Terry Pratchett Discworld book "Lords and Ladies."
I always liked Rincewind's reaction to being told about the Tooth Fairy. "What… she comes and pulls out your actual teeth?"