Savage beauty


Don’t worry: it might sound a bit alarming, but they don’t cost much extra – and it’s basically an honour system anyway, she doesn’t make a list of pre-existing marks like a car hire place.



The specific clause in the law that she’s charged with actually refers to ‘sexual services’ and not only is there never any sex, but the ‘service’ is all the other way.  So she should be OK.





That would be sweet.  Imagine still doing it in fifty years’ time: creaking slowly down to the floor and shakily awaiting the awakening of your angel.

It’s true: you know, they once had to chip out some guy who’d been concreted in almost ten years ago – and he was still alive.  His wife hadn’t changed her mind (in fact, she was onto her third husband by then) but the building was due to be demolished so she paid to have him moved.  Was he grateful to her for saving his life, though?  Honestly, the fuss he made when the concrete began to pour!  He’d obviously learned nothing from all those years he had for reflection – no wonder the marriage hadn’t worked out.

Specially not when we’re all stwapped down and tewwified.


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