Commanding voices

No sense in rushing these things. My SO always says that I can spend as long as I like – longer even – across the whipping bench, any time I feel like putting one of her orders off until later. It’s nice to have that kind of flexibility.
No cruelty involved.
The name hardly matters, anyway. Usually she’ll just announce what she wants done and you’ll be able to tell when it’s you who’s supposed to do it, just from the tone of her voice.
Her logic is irrefutable (and any attempt to refute it would be a long and painful process anyway).

These are of course the magnificent Goddess Sophia, on (and in) the right there, who has had the discomfort of having to scrape Servitor off the sole of her shoe several times over the years. And Ms Morrigan Hel, on the left, with whom I have not had the pleasure, although she did once walk past a cage I was in.

Presumably she’s about to try to lead Rosie away from evil, back towards the path of kindness and virtue.
Beta Boy has a small circulation but it has very low labour costs – indeed, many of the staff pay the proprietrix to work there – so it gets by.

10 thoughts on “Commanding voices”

  1. I love the menace in the last one, she is obviously friends with his editor.

    I love the way she calls him sweetie too.

    When I call Max ‘sweetie’ he knows he is in big trouble.


    1. Ah, well that might be just you, Ms Zoe. I didn’t intend any menace. That said, beta boys can be nervous little rabbits and very sensitive to even the slightest nuance of criticism from a member of the superior sex – understandably so, given their constant vulnerability to impromptu spankings.

      Best wishes


  2. My wife has never been concerned about my name, either.

    For many years I was deluded that she employed a pet name for me. She would call me “U” and I always assumed it was a sweet and familiar abbreviating of her more formal name for me, “Useless”.

    Actually, it wasn’t.

    Mr M aka “U”.

    1. Curious coincidence, Mr U, but several of my girlfriends hit upon exactly the same name for me, usually aftter our first (and invariably only) attempt at sex. It sometimes took me a while to find out, as we weren’t generally on speaking terms – in one case, I only found out when one of my exes mentioned it in her speech at her wedding.

      Best wishes


  3. Damn, Servitor. Ms Morrigan Hel herself walked past a cage you were locked in once? You are one lucky devil. I hope the cage was extremely uncomfortable in exchange for such a privilege.

    1. It was! The dungeon space wasn’t quite as warm as it could have been, plus I had made the rookie submissive mistake of not eating enough before the session and I do remember crouching there thinking how uncomfortable and unsexy I was feeling. But a pair of very shapely ankles helped cheer me up.

      Best wishes


  4. Gynarchy women have so emascúlated men that males have become terrified of females. For men in the gynarchy empire, life becomes one of continuous Degradation, humiliation, the torture of denial, beatings, and absolute submission to dominating women. Men have lost all power. We are looked down upon as subhuman.
    ¿Señor Servitor, is all hope lost?

  5. I’m sure the lady that runs Beta Boy of course never allows her underlings to ask any question she doesn’t approve of. If he did, those hand washed panties will be stuffed in his mouth to muffle to screaming and begging he’ll be doing as she smashes his cheeks over her knee.

    1. She does have quite a strict editorial line on several points, it’s true, Squaw. Many of her journalists have had the alarming experience of getting copy back not only with the red pen freely employed all the way through, but culiminating in those dreaded words “See me!”

      Best wishes


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