She must be right

We want to hear happy positive words: specifically your online banking details.
Can you believe the ungratitude – and look at all the effort she’s making, you can see that just from his back.
After all this time not able to get an erection, it’ll be nice to be doing that again. Up – zap! – and down. And up again and – zap! Aaanndd….
There are twenty-four verses but I’ve spared you that.

This is the firm and very fair Tamara Kenworthy. Look at the determination on that face – I can only hope her husband learns to appreciate his luck.

If you’re worried about any darts missing the board and piercing you in the neck or face, don’t be. It’s going to be on a long cord, so it’ll be hanging lower down your body than that, just about over your stomach.
Or you could maintain your dignity and accept a spanking and early bedtime without supper, if you don’t want to demean yourself.

11 thoughts on “She must be right”

  1. 4th caption: I mean, what is he not getting about the term “take her hand”? It is both the instrument of his protection and his correction should he defy her. And goddess help him if he ends up experiencing the latter, with his face and was cheeks beaten black and blue.

    Last caption: I’d rather just apologize properly on my knees. Im hungry. Dignity is a naughty word in itself. Only dignity I have is what she gives me and takes away. My dignity left the moment she imposed marriage on me, forcing me to kneel before her, kissing her feet, vulva and ring in utter obedience in the church, before walking me out, cock collar in hand..

    1. On the fourth one: I do think he is beginning to understand, actually, Squaw. Men are often very slow to catch on, but ladies like Miss Kenworthy there can be very patient in helping them get there.

      Best wishes


  2. Servitor’s men have all the l***
    (Assuming they don’t want to f***)
    Playing darts, well he should t***
    Good advice for any c***

    Mr Mouse (with apologies to Albert Uderzo and others),

    1. Why censor yourself? Particularly on words that are clean like ‘luck’ and ‘tuck’, or even potentially ‘cuck’.

      1. Quite so – no one should ever feel they have to censor themselves. Much more fun to have someone else impose speech rules.

        Best wishes


        PS, I didn’t understand the rhyme before your helpful decoding.
        Servitor’s men have all the lake
        (Assuming they don’t want to fake)
        Playing darts, well he should take
        Good advice for any cake

        But your version makes much more sense, thanks.

      2. I think the in-vogue interweb phraseology is “whoosh”.

        Oh, well. Never any guarantee of s***cess, I suppose.

        Mr M

    2. Thank you Mousey

      Apparently the estate of Uderzo are considering bringing out “Asterix in the Other World Kingdom”, an unpublished work fully illustrated by Goscinny, in which we discover that our Gaullish heroes are rather more domitable than they had thought.

      Strange but untrue.

      Best wishes


  3. I love a leg lock spanking. Masculine fantasies of superior strength be damned – he isn’t going anywhere until She lets him up.

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