Mulier Sapiens

There’s just never enough time in the day, is there? If only men could multi-task, but alas, that’s not an option.
She’s lucky to have a friend who’ll take the time to listen – you know, they’ve been walking for two hours already? You can’t rush these kinds of conversations.
It’s OK to discuss men’s lib when it’s just women idly chatting round a dinner table; it’s not like males breaking the law by saying the same things.
Maybe when ‘Supreme Mistress Suzannah’ realises what she has done, she could rush back? I’m not saying she would – she wouldn’t want to disappoint her mum.
Hmm? Oh, sorry, was I supposed to add a caption down here?
If nuclear war is about to break out, it looks like Strict Mistress Susan’s House of Correction will be the place that gets the call. Which, y’know, might even work out better?

9 thoughts on “Mulier Sapiens”

    1. Mmmm. Whatever. Anyway, Julie and Rob’s party went just fine. They had, y’know food, and drink and music and stuff. People. That kind of thing.

      Best wishes


  1. Of course she could ask her husband to fasten the earring for her, but that does assume he has physical contact privileges.

  2. Caption 3: Lock that cock up, Discipline them hard and fuck them hard. Anything less is not enough. Pain and pleasure. Their minds will drift off into nonsense about mens lib if you don’t show them the firm love they need. Besides, it is indeed illegal now for males to even discuss such things. Goddess forbid if they end up in one of Those camps for unsubmissive males. Heard stories about those places.

    Last caption: I think she’ll go and get herself a submissive bitch to dominate now. A “turning point” type caption, this could be.

    1. Don’t worry, Carole’s probably just going through a phase. My sister had a friend at school who claimed to be a men’s lib sympathiser and now I’ve heard she works at one of Those very camps you mention. And loves her job.

      If Goddess had intended men to be equal to women, she wouldn’t have made them so obviously inferior, would she? If men’s libbers can’t be persuaded by self-evident arguments like that, it’s little wonder they end up having to be whipped so hard.

      Best wishes


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