Video killed the radio star

In my mind… and in my car, we can’t rewind, we’ve gone too far.

But we can rewind, you see, because we can return yet again to the 1980s.*

I’m all out of magazines at the moment, so I found a few old video cassette covers and thought I’d just stick those up on the blog. Beats working.

* The 1980s being – let’s face it – the best time for femdom as well as for music. What’s that you say? That it’s just nostalgia, conforming to the well-established psychological principle that we form the strongest mental impressions when adolescents, thus establishing a mental primacy for the culture of our teenage years? What a weird and over-analytical thing to say when surfing the Internet looking for porn to wank to. Are you sure you’re in the right place?

12 thoughts on “Video killed the radio star”

  1. Lady Linda and the other lascivious lesbians with their awful alliterations! Mercy, mercy (no, actually, show us none please…)

    1. I know – eat your heart out ‘The L word’! Or eat something else out, whatever.

      The same director’s “Naughty Nurse Nancy meets the Naked Nympho Nuns” is generally considered to be the high point of the genre.

      Glad to see you’re still following, blindly or otherwise.

      Best wishes


  2. Max, my sissy slave husband, has been avoiding me lately.

    Whenever he has finished a chore in my presence he soon scuttles off to work elsewhere. This happens from time to time when he is having an attack of ‘self pity’ or he is feeling guilty about something that has happened.

    Usually he would lie low on the floor and slowly by slowly move a little closer to my divine feet, for a sniff or lick or worship.

    Not today!

    ”Max, come here please. Kneel there, by my feet.”

    ”Yes, ma’am, of course ma’am.”

    ”Max, have you something you want to say to me. Has something happened, or are you hiding something. It is just that I have noticed a certain reluctance on your part to be in my presence lately. Be honest and the goddess will not be annoyed.”

    ”Well, most high goddess. It is just that you promised I would get some relief from the chastity, but you haven’t mentioned it in three months.”

    ”Is that criticism I hear, sissy?”

    ”No, ma’am, of course not ma’am. I am scared, ma’am.”

    ”Scared of what, honey?”

    ”Scared that if I am in your presence too much I might explode with adoration and lust for you.”


    ”Please let me have some release, even five minutes without the CB5000, please ma’am.”

    ”I think you think too much about your own pleasure. You should concentrate on my happiness and pleasure, OK?”

    ”Yes, ma’am.”

    ”I will consider releasing it at the end of October. This subject is now closed. I do like you to be keen to be near my feet, honey, so stop avoiding me and I don’t think you will burst from lust, honey. Sissies just don’t do any bursting, that is that.”

    Silly sissy.


    1. A sissy, with cunnilingus, learns to enjoy his wife’s long multi orgasms, as a female’s arousal and orgasms are far superior to a male’s.

    2. You are (as ever) quite right, Ms Zoe. It’s actually very rare indeed for sissies or any other males actually to explode, burst or similar. I understand Serena and Alice have conducted extensive experiments on the matter and it turns out to be surprisingly hard to get that to happen, although through sheer sadistic persistence they did eventually identify 37 different ways to achieve it.

      Best wishes


    1. You are very welcome, Spicey. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the absurd amount of time it took to get these looking the way they do, but then I’m an odd chap. Old too, obviously.

      I’ll see if I can dig out my old copy of ‘Carry on Mistress’ some time. Classic strap on humour: “Ooh, that’s a big one, isn’t it?”

      Best wishes


      1. Hard to resist (not that I tried), as the article featured the wonderful Valerie Leon so much, without whose Pink Panther performance Servitor might not be the weird and perverted little chap he is today.

        Best wishes


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