
Special post today, featuring a lady you’re going to see a lot more of on this blog in – what? No, I don’t mean you’re literally going to see more of her, you nasty little pervert, I mean you are going to see the same bits of her more frequently. OK? I mean what sort of blog do you think this is? – sorry, where was I? Yes: this is Petra and you’re going to see her freqently here because there are tonnes of pictures of her out there and I think every single one of them looks very lovely indeed, so I have captioned at least half a tonne of them myself.

She is actually the star of a foot fetish site, as the logos in the images imply, and obviously if you really like this sort of thing I would encourage you to take out a subscription and have a look.

She is even into feet herself, as the bio at the front of the site explains, and honestly if you can’t believe what you read on a porn site in this day and age, then what are you going to believe, hmm?

For me, although I’m sure her feet are lovely – and very feety – for me, it is more her amused, sweet mocking expression that drives me absolutely wild.

So almost all of the ‘petrology’ captions are also about being driven absolutely wild, in that they suppose she is the keyholder in some insanely over-complicated and strict commercial chastity / findomme arrangement. Teasing, denial… rinse and repeat. With an Italian accent, obviously.

7 thoughts on “Petrology”

  1. There was a young lady called Petra
    Who said “think of a word that is betra”
    If you do, nasty bug
    You can have a good tug
    But when push comes to shove, she won’t let ya

    Mr M

    1. Feet so lovely to kiss but when I moved up to her leg she slammed me in the balls with her other foot.

    2. Mr Mouse, I’ve now sent to Miss Petra
      Your attempt at a verse but I’ll betcha
      She’ll be too unimpressed
      To allow your request
      To unlock and start tugging, etcetera.

  2. Jack Tring is a 54 year old junior clerk in our Contracts Department. He is trim and tidy with sissy sensibilities and is efficient at his job.

    His job is to support the Junior and Senior Lawyers in the department by providing refreshments, write simple lists with the help of the ladies, provide photocopying services, foot worship, shoe cleaning, take notes at staff meetings and generally be a good boy.

    Jack has been with our firm since he left school at 16 years old. He is very sweet and shows no annoyance or jealousy when his bosses are 21 year old female graduates or girls of 18 who have just left school. He remains sweet and obedient.

    Today as a Senior Partner I have decided to do some reviews of the junior staff. I have reviewed the work of three young junior graduates and been very impressed.

    ”Who is next?”

    Emily: ”It is a junior male called Jack Tring. Here are his details, Miss Zoe. He is a sweetie and always is a good boy.”

    ”What does his Supervisor, Linda, say about him?”

    ”Let me see, Miss Zoe. He has had a good year, there have been challenges because we employed fifteen new young lawyers, an average age of twenty two. All alpha women. He is good at adapting to new women who are all his senior, but he did mutter and complain a bit.”

    ”Was he disciplined?”

    ”No ma’am, it was thought better to have a word and remind him of his position.”

    ”OK, get him in here, let’s see what we have.”

    Jack came in and waited until we indicated he could sit. He looked at the desk top and avoided directly looking at me and Emily and his supervisor, Linda.

    I started by telling him what a good job he was doing,

    I then asked him to explain about the reports of his ‘complaining’ about the young women who had just started working for the firm and bossed him about and were his senior, even though he has worked here for nearly forty years.

    ”Well, Mrs Sullivan, I didn’t mean to be critical, it’s just that I have to train them on the system and help them write their reports and they treat me like ”shit’, sorry for using a bad word, ma’am.”

    ”I see. So what did you expect when you were a junior?”

    ”Well, I have lots of experience and know the law quite well, I know how the system works. I could help them. Some of them are very rude and slap me when I give an opinion.”

    ”You give opinions? What sort of opinion?”

    ”Well, if a lawyer is reading a report I may say a similar case was resolved in a certain way, or I may suggest a client has been treated badly in a contract dispute, ma’am.”

    ”I see. Let me look at your scores, perhaps Linda could talk us through them?”

    Linda: ”of course. Jack’s overall score is eight out of ten. Attitude, good. Obedience, excellent. Cleanliness, good. Efficiency, excellent. Knowledge of Contract Law, excellent. Submissiveness, very good.

    So, that is two ‘good’. one ‘very good’ and three ‘excellent’.

    I would have hoped to see more in the ‘very good’ category.”

    ”So, Linda, what is your overall feeling about jack?”

    Linda: ”He is a good boy. He works hard, but over the last six months or so, when we had so many new young lawyers join us, he has had a bad attitude at times. Do you agree, Jack.”

    Jack: ”I try my hardest, ma’am. I just don’t think I am treated very well sometimes.”

    I sent Jack out of the room whilst we discussed his scores. I was pleased he scored well on obedience and knowledge, but I would have hoped for a better score on submissiveness.

    We chatted for a while and decided to get Jack to do some attitude and submissiveness training.

    He must improve in the next six months, or there will be trouble.

    I don’t expect complaints against women for exercising their power over a junior sissy man.


    1. I do hope young Master Tring quickly learns to keep his opinions to himself, Ms Zoe. Opinions are all very well in their proper place – the mouths and writings of women – but things should not be allowed to get out of hand.

      Best wishes


  3. Love my feet,” she says,
    Petra’s command, a sacred rite,
    Adoration shown.

    “……..I think I’m ……I really think so”


    1. Of course, nowadays the original video by the Vapors can’t be played as it’s just full of orientalist stereotypes. It’s political correctness gone mad, if you ask me. Fortunately there’s a version by Kirsten Dunst that’s a lot more fun.

      Everything’s better when done by women, isn’t it? Except manual labour and menial tasks, obviously, especially laundry.

      Best wishes


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