4 thoughts on “Cruel summer (4)”

  1. Actually, mine is not an implant and is at the base of my scrotum rather than my neck. It still strongly discourages me from lying though. Or even speaking without permission.

    1. That does sound a very helpful device. My SO has hit on a brilliant way to prevent me lying: she’s found this tight-fitting gag that prevents all speech but still allows me to be fed. It’s made my conversation much less annoying too, I’m told, so really it’s been a goddess-send.

      Best wishes


  2. I have toyed with the idea of a medically implanted chastity… something for years. The idea of something not just mechanically permanent, but biologically permanent just weakens the knees.

    1. It’s long been a dream that in the future men will be improved by being integrated with technology, Tom. Let’s hope that becomes a reality very soon.

      I’m sure the ladies of the future will look back on our crude mechanical chastity devices and shock controls and laugh, although to be fair my SO already does.

      Best wishes


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