4 thoughts on “Cruel summer (2)”

  1. My wife says she wants to go polyamorous, she wants to have two husbands. However we men must stay monogamous

    1. My wife would be monogamous even with two husbands – or at least she would be if she stopped taking extra-marital lovers. She does like to make love to a wide variety or men, but sadly not wide enough to include losers like me. But it works for her, so I can’t complain.

      Many thanks for your comment.

      Best wishes


  2. Winter “walks”. One of the few times I feel like my chastity device is the right size…

    Quite relaxing, really.

    Mr M

    1. My chastity device is always the right size, it’s my penis which occasionally fails to fit.

      For me, the best thing about a winter walkies is that sometimes my flesh goes numb, which is often a huge relief after one of our ‘little talks’.

      Best wishes


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