Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve

Just a few extras to celebrate today’s events in the UK.* Which are a bit uninspiring but at least the leading candidates are under eighty years old and not from parties established to defend Vichy’s fascist sympathisers, so there’s that. I hope all male readers of this blog take sensible advice from someone of the more intelligent sex before voting, and indeed before doing anything else. If you don’t, how would you know whether she approves or not?

* Yes, yes, Americans, I know you declared your independence 248 years ago today making it a special day for you too. Well done you. You don’t have to keep going on about it, you know.

8 thoughts on “Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve”

  1. Mistress has always been first past the post as it applies to me. She made it abundantly clear many years ago that she “will not be touching that – ever”.

    For a while it made proportional representation very attractive to me. Until discreet observation in many gym shower rooms made me realise I would likely only get one-third of a vote…..

    Mr Mouse (anatomically correct anyway)

    1. My SO prefers the transferrable vote system, having transferred my vote to her more competent care some years back. For this election, I voted by post. Apparently.

      Best wishes


  2. She says that balls are the problem! Therefore only ball-less people do get the vote; in other words only women and eunuchs. Those with balls may not vote. Problem solved.
    She is so wise.

    1. That system makes for some slightly embarassing checks at the polling station I’ve heard, Alberto, but it’s worth it to be able to influence the future of the country.

      Best wishes


  3. Max isn’t allowed to vote.

    This has been a guiding principle in the Gynarchy for many years, and applies in my house as you would expect.

    I stayed up to watch the exit poll and the early results with some friends, Max was in bed. His bedtime is 9.00 pm (pj’s at 8.30, teeth cleaned, toilet completed) and I didn’t see any reason to change that. It did mean that I had to serve my two girlfriends snacks and drinks, but I didn’t mind.

    Max had to tidy up and put away the crockery and glasses the next morning.

    Once or twice during the election campaign Max asked about the party manifestos, but I don’t think he understood.

    Poor lamb isn’t allowed to watch TV news programmes, too upsetting for him.

    He doesn’t need to know what is going on to clean the loo or vacuum the carpets, does he?

    One day a candidate came to our door, om seeing Max in his skirt and top he asked if the ‘man of the house’ was home. I came to the door and told him that this was the sissy of the house and I am the woman of the house.

    We spoke for a bit about the state of the NHS, housing policies, immigration and the state of our roads.

    He was quite cute actually and I quite liked him. In different circumstances I could imagine a date, but I am so busy at the moment. He came in for a coffee and we chatted some more. I found out he is married and has three children. He works as a lawyer and knows some of the people I know too.

    I explained that I didn’t believe in men having the vote, and after a while he agreed and said he would try to get it changed in parliament if he got the chance.

    Before he went I insisted he worshipped my feet, which he did quite expertly.


    1. I do hope that candidate got elected, Ms Zoe, as it sounds like he has the right ideas. There are a lot of sexually inadequate, submissive beta males in this country, and until such time as we have a proper electoral system that excludes Y-chromosomes, they need some democratic representation too.

      Best wishes


  4. The leader of the Femsuprem Party, Abigail White is being interviewed by Margaret Trent, a famous reporter for Gynarchy TV News. The party has had lots of support in the UK and now has five Members of Parliament elected, including Miss White.

    ”I want to thank the millions of people who voted for my party in this general election in the UK. It has been very gratifying.”

    ”Miss White, do you think it is time for female domination in the workplace and in all aspects of life, including the home?”

    ”I have advocated the domestication of males for some time, yes I think women should be in control of every area of life, naturally.”

    ”But, men are established in the workplace. How will this work?”

    ”and we are grateful for the valued contribution males make in the workplace, of course we are. I know that things work much better when women are in charge. Men can do the outside jobs, the hard labour jobs, where muscle is important. In offices they can be in junior positions, supporting the higher work of women. It is always nice to see a cute guy around the place, decorative and useful.”

    ”What would happen to the senior managers who are male?”

    ”Under our scheme there would be a ‘Female Day’ in say one years time when all senior jobs would be done by women and a limit set on how high a male could rise in any organisation. All senior males would apply for new roles and compete for them in a fair and open way.”

    ”May I take an example, a male cancer surgeon has a senior job, how would the scheme apply to him.”

    ” He would support and be answerable to a Senior Surgical Nurse and continue his work as before, but under female supervision.”

    ”So all the senior males wouldn’t get the sack?”

    ”No, of course not. The surgeon would apply to be a junior cancer surgeon and be under female control.”

    ”May I ask if you were surprised at the election result. Five MP’s is a lot for such a radical party.”

    ”I am not surprised. We will be a force for good in the new parliament. I want to see voting rights for men rescinded, property rights for males cancelled and much more.”

    ”Thank you, Miss. It has been a pleasure.”

    As the cameras stopped rolling two men came and worshipped the feet of Miss White and Miss Trent.

    ”Good boys, how sweet they are.”

    ”They are both senior TV executives, I think they want to keep their jobs as foot boys, how sweet.”

    ”Goodbye, Miss White, lovely to talk to you, hope we meet many times again.”

    ”We will, I have a meeting with Kathleen Starmer later today.”


    1. That seems very fair, Ms Zoe: every male has an equal chance and those of us needing close supervision can be assured we will be closely supervised. There are lots of jobs males can do in the new economy – I don’t see any of these fancy AIs handwashing period stains out of a gusset any time soon!

      Best wishes


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