A long time in politics

A week is a long time in politics, they say, which makes it a lot like predicament bondage.

I should apologise for any medical problems induced by the high prevalance of heart-stopping beauty in this post. But I won’t, because anyone collapsing in front of his screen, trousers around his ankles, probably deserved it, nasty little pervert.

These days with such a fragmented media landscape it’s very hard to determine what’s true and what isn’t. Quick pro-tip: if it’s on this blog, it probably isn’t. So don’t worry about that female supremacist conspiracy, OK? Just a femdomination sex fantasy thing, nothing to see.
There were several defining moments of her campaign, many of which went viral and some of which became among the highest-ever viewed clips on femdom porn sites, oddly enough. Still, all publicity is good publicity, right? It’s like spanking, in that respect.
Yada yada slavery, yada yada shock collars. That’s the tired old politics… time to move on, surely? And if those men’s rights activists can’t understand that for themselves maybe they just need a little help to see the bigger picture? Shouldn’t the government step in – or stride, in high-heeled boots – to provide that? Hey – I’m just asking questions here.
The First Gentleman should be a role model for all boys, so it’s important to check his behaviour whenever he falls short of that high standard – and her higher ones. So, really, it’s her duty. The interns… OK, that’s just a stress relief thing.
Yay! That’s a keeper. So’s she.
She won’t say branding’s painless because it isn’t. See how refreshing it is when political leaders don’t, like, lie all the time?

14 thoughts on “A long time in politics”

  1. Another iron in my wife’s future fire, apparently.

    I’m just grateful that her parents didn’t name her:

    Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenkescianneshaimondrischlyndasaccarna renquellenendrasamecashaunettethalemeicoleshiwhalhinive’onchellecaundenesheaalausondrilynnejeanetrimyranaekuesaundrilynnezekeriakenvaunetradevonneyavondalatarneskcaevontaepreonkeinesceellaviavelzadawnefriendsettajessicannelesciajoyvaelloydietteyvettesparklenesceaundrieaquenttaekatilyaevea shauwneoraliaevaekizzieshiyjuanewandalecciannereneitheliapreciousnesceverroneccaloveliatyronevekacarrionnehenriettaescecleonpatrarutheliacharsalynnmeokcamonaeloiesalynnecsiannemerciadellesciaustillaparissalondonveshadenequamonecaalexetiozetiaquaniaenglaundneshiafrancethosharomeshaunnehawaineakowethauandavernellchishankcarlinaaddoneillesciachristondrafawndrealaotrelleoctavionnemiariasarahtashabnequckagailenaxeteshiataharadaponsad

    to get her in the Guinness Book of World Records.

    I’m not that tall.

    Mr M

    1. Yes, that would be bad. Particularly for any kind of high protocol in which her full name must be used when expressing remorse or gratitude (or both).

      Special bonus prize to the ‘reader’ who can spot the most words of five letters or more in Mr Nonny’s alternative reality name.

      I’m sure there are many Welsh names that are longer and more mellifluous too, by the way.

      Best wishes


      1. Actually Servitor, it’s not alternative reality, it’s American.

        Poor kid had her already substantial moniker extended by her parents to maintain her Guinness world record standing.

        At least we are not contributing to that attention obsession here.

        1. No, probably best to ignore it completely. Poor thing – she’s probably the first result when people type that into Google.

          But I am suddenly inspired to try a minor captioned images theme of dommes hoping to achieve or maintain Guinness world records… I’ll give it some fevered thought.

          Best wishes


  2. Males are continuously gaslighted until they feel inferior. They are Spanked at the whim of or for stress by any female. The views of males are ignored. Laws make males second class citizens. Males are Slapped to reinforce their inferior status. Males are made to do manual labor to show all their low value. Any male who gets too high a view of males must be isolated before he infects other males with ideas of equality.
    Males beg to not be paddled but to no avail. They may even be punished for such an arrogant attitude, or the females just may punish for fun.
    Better hang our head low.

    1. Additionally, One strong female informed me lately that alpha females should be allowed to personally castrate one male who would serve as her personal servant, and maybe raise her children. She wouldn’t want any lust on his part. Keep him in his place and use him.

      1. I find that lust on my part, whether unwanted or not, has little effect and tends only to lead to frustration.

        Best wishes


  3. Finishing school made mandatory for all males, where they are taught how to always be courting women; how to make women feel so desirable, how to cuddle and snuggle a wife, and how to obey in a gentlemanly way.

    1. Well, that sounds very civilised, Alberto, a little like the traditional British public school education – and no doubt enforced with the same system of incentives.

      Best wishes


  4. Just one more way Women demonstrate their superior skills at multi-tasking, keeping so many irons in the fire…

    A heart-stopping collection, indeed. Sustained applause, sir. Thank you.

    All the best,

    1. Thank you, David. In these days when many countries’ politics seem brutal and dark, it’s nice to imagine a more enlightened political brutality. Perhaps in a small way, I’m contributing to that change that we all deserve.

      Best wishes


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