Stories and pictures themed around female domination and male subjugation and servitude. Unsuitable for children, for alpha males, for hard-core practitioners with an interest in the politics of bdsm and the mechanics of complicated rope work. Of interest to perverts like me, basically.
Motivational speech
He’ll have a very clear understanding of who she is by the end of the session.
Anyway, even if people did recognise you, no one’s going to say anything. That’s the nice thing about the Internet: it’s such a trustworthy, forgiving place.
Oh, I’m sure things will improve, she just needs to keep trying. And that’s exactly what she’s planning to do. Anyway, Mario’s waiting so off you go.
I think it’s wonderful that his wife isn’t giving up on him and walking away, but some people are just amazing, aren’t they? I hope she’s finding some time for herself, at least.
As a professional, she can keep the personal clearly separate. For instance, the fact that she finds you contemptible is in no way going to diminish the zeal with which she’ll fight your corner in court. Just don’t expect miracles, yeah?
Nothing worse than a micro-manager, is there? Unless it’s a sadistic micro-manager holding a whip, I suppose.
12 thoughts on “Motivational speech”
Picture 5. In old country lesbianism not allowed. In new country many women practice lesbianism. Even his lawyer practices lesbianism on his client’s wife. It’s everywhere and growing as women no longer feel a need to hide it. The moans of female-to-female pleasure are being heard more and more. The female tongue is queen.
With all these ladies practising lesbianism, pretty soon they’ll all be very good at it.
But don’t worry about men becoming redundant. There’ll always be heavy things to lift, dirty things to scrub, pointless things to do amusingly… Anyway, a lesbian couple generates twice the laundry and ironing so anyone who says lesbians don’t need men hasn’t really thought it through.
As you may feel, divorce is the ultimate rejection of a man. Very sad. It’s a world for women, not for males. Perhaps all males can cry together. I don’t know. Are you a member of Señor Servitor’s group.? Welcome aboard.
Women hold all the cards, if you know what I mean. And it goes deeper than that.
That sounds like a splendid idea, Mr A. Get divorced, hand over most of your future earnings to your ex-wife, and then remarry her with a pre-nup that ensures she controls the purse-strings. And welcome any sexy young lads or lasses she hooked up with during the brief period of apartness, into the family bed.
What’s not to like, apart from all the legal fees?
At the moment I am enjoying the freedom and spending money of bachelorhood a great deal.
‘marriage’ in the word cloud also would likely cover many of the divorce captions and stories.
I’ve never thought of this forum as constituing my ‘group’ as such, Alberto. I’m more of a lone wolf, operating alone behind the scenes… left alone and unwanted in the kitchen at parties, or just chained up outside the back door. That’s more my style.
Señor Servitor.
Oh you have a large group of fellow followers. Often they don’t speak out. They lead lives of quiet desperation, unloved, unfulfilled, sent out to pasture, lower than the dust, undone by the bulls, walked over, caged, denied, whipped, made to feel that no one listens to their feelings, and made to serve women day and night.
In new world men’s rights are shrinking while female rights are growing dramatically.
We cry out that we need a spokesperson, although many women now consider us to be subhuman, only worthy of enslavement, derision, castration or emasculation, and being tortured for woman’s enjoyment. Men’s horizons are shrinking while female horizons are growing overwhelming. Gynarchy it is called I think.
Señor Servitor, mantenga tus palabras por favor. Lo Necesitamos. Help! Ayudamos!
Señor Servitor, you are a voice for us poor guys.
Is my English good enough to explain ?
I don’t think I can be a spokesperson for anyone, alas, Alberto. Especially on days when I am not granted speech privileges, which is more often than not, I am afraid.
Best wishes
Divorce is in the word cloud as ‘Find out what you mean to me’. But I’ll admit I don’t use it every time I mention divorce, by any means. It’s not on this post, for instance. The word cloud (now, sadly, more of a list) is by no means comprehensive, alas.
Picture 5. In old country lesbianism not allowed. In new country many women practice lesbianism. Even his lawyer practices lesbianism on his client’s wife. It’s everywhere and growing as women no longer feel a need to hide it. The moans of female-to-female pleasure are being heard more and more. The female tongue is queen.
Sorry. I forgot to add:
Are males becoming redundant?
Thank you Alberto
With all these ladies practising lesbianism, pretty soon they’ll all be very good at it.
But don’t worry about men becoming redundant. There’ll always be heavy things to lift, dirty things to scrub, pointless things to do amusingly… Anyway, a lesbian couple generates twice the laundry and ironing so anyone who says lesbians don’t need men hasn’t really thought it through.
Best wishes
I’m surprised to see ‘divorce’ never features in your wordcloud.
As you may feel, divorce is the ultimate rejection of a man. Very sad. It’s a world for women, not for males. Perhaps all males can cry together. I don’t know. Are you a member of Señor Servitor’s group.? Welcome aboard.
Women hold all the cards, if you know what I mean. And it goes deeper than that.
I know of too many men who have remarried their ex wives to believe it is the ‘ultimate rejection of a man’.
That sounds like a splendid idea, Mr A. Get divorced, hand over most of your future earnings to your ex-wife, and then remarry her with a pre-nup that ensures she controls the purse-strings. And welcome any sexy young lads or lasses she hooked up with during the brief period of apartness, into the family bed.
What’s not to like, apart from all the legal fees?
Best wishes
At the moment I am enjoying the freedom and spending money of bachelorhood a great deal.
‘marriage’ in the word cloud also would likely cover many of the divorce captions and stories.
I’ve never thought of this forum as constituing my ‘group’ as such, Alberto. I’m more of a lone wolf, operating alone behind the scenes… left alone and unwanted in the kitchen at parties, or just chained up outside the back door. That’s more my style.
Best wishes
Señor Servitor.
Oh you have a large group of fellow followers. Often they don’t speak out. They lead lives of quiet desperation, unloved, unfulfilled, sent out to pasture, lower than the dust, undone by the bulls, walked over, caged, denied, whipped, made to feel that no one listens to their feelings, and made to serve women day and night.
In new world men’s rights are shrinking while female rights are growing dramatically.
We cry out that we need a spokesperson, although many women now consider us to be subhuman, only worthy of enslavement, derision, castration or emasculation, and being tortured for woman’s enjoyment. Men’s horizons are shrinking while female horizons are growing overwhelming. Gynarchy it is called I think.
Señor Servitor, mantenga tus palabras por favor. Lo Necesitamos. Help! Ayudamos!
Señor Servitor, you are a voice for us poor guys.
Is my English good enough to explain ?
I don’t think I can be a spokesperson for anyone, alas, Alberto. Especially on days when I am not granted speech privileges, which is more often than not, I am afraid.
Best wishes
Divorce is in the word cloud as ‘Find out what you mean to me’. But I’ll admit I don’t use it every time I mention divorce, by any means. It’s not on this post, for instance. The word cloud (now, sadly, more of a list) is by no means comprehensive, alas.
Best wishes