9 thoughts on “Hooray hooray (4)”

    1. Yes, it shows a real commitment to the relationship, I think. I mean, she has to go to the trouble of finding the irons – having them specially designed in many cases – starting up an open furnace to heat the, tightly securing her male target and so on – women don’t do that if they’re just considering a casual fling. It’s a bit unfair, though – I mean, the male doesn’t have to do anything but lie there and char a bit.

      Best wishes


  1. 😓 I mean, he can refuse to marry her right? There won’t be any retaliation on her part if he ghosts her? Maybe he should just plan his escape. Too dangerous being upfront with her about it. The branding is just temporary pain, but if she feels the need to do that, like he’s property, then dude, RUN!!!! Run for your life!!!

    1. That’s the point. After the marriage,and in some ways before, he is her property.
      The way I see it, his body is an extension of hers.

      1. 😔Well, at least I’ll know I’m truly here forever more, that she’ll never kick me to the curb. Kind if romantic now that I think about it. I just wish she’d chose to tattoo her name on me instead of branding. Much less painful..

      2. Thank you, Maria.

        I don’t think my SO would like the idea of my body being an extension of hers, though, as she takes pride in her appearance and exudes contempt for mine. It’s good to be marked, though – I’m just back from holiday and I had a nasty moment on the luggage carousel when some complete stranger seemed for a moment to think I belonged to her, before noticing my tag and stepping back. You can’t mark your property too carefully, I’d say.

        Best wishes


    2. Oh, now calm down, Squaw. You’re reading much too much into a couple’s rather sweet decision to make a public loving declaration of their feelings for each other. You can ask anyone who’s been branded by their wife – I’m sure they’ll all tell you how very grateful they are for the privilege of bearing her name. Some need a little help getting over the understandable nerves, but that’s where a bit of female leadership can really make the difference. He’ll thank her afterwards, you’ll see,

      Best wishes


  2. Anyway, brands, like tattoos, can always be removed. You just put a blank iron over the word. My SO needed three goes before she decided she was happy with how my mark of her affection appeared – goodness how everyone laughed!

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