Sourness and light

If any of you do have any nasty little habits – particularly if you happen to be indulging them right now – I suggest you visit a specialist like her.  That’s what I do.



Lesbian slavegirls don’t really understand male sexuality, of course, which is probably why so many of them featured on this blog want to suppress or even abolish it.



Think of your retirement as a second childhood; that’s certainly how the staff see it.

Choosing the first option is likely to result in very drastic, rapid weight loss.

How did the conversation get onto this topic, anyway, what’s what I want to know?




7 thoughts on “Sourness and light”

  1. It actually sounds like a fairly pleasant retirement plan, but I suppose it would grow tiresome.

  2. You're probably right. If you had any complaints I'm sure they'd be addressed swiftly and comprehensively, though.

    Many thanks for commenting.

    Best wishes


  3. I understand the fees are quite high. On the other hand, once you're there your living expenses are very low – not least because you're not allowed any money.

    Many thanks for commenting.

    Best wishes


  4. Thank you, Ms Zoe. We males can find it quite hard to know what to do when given conflicting commands by two members of the superior sex. As in all things, the answers lie in clarity, consequences and reinforcement.

    Best wishes


  5. Ummm umph I have had that fantasy of a care home for some time. Pity Boris reduced the population of them so rapidly during COVID. So many women staff denied their fun. Femsup.

  6. Yes, let's hope that in due course a sensibly Female Supremacist government is elected that will provide all aging males in our society with the retirement care they do richly deserve – Boris foremost among them.

    Many thanks for all your comments, as ever.

    Best wishes


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