Lashing out

In case you’re wondering, I’m not doing April Fool’s Day stuff.  I have before.  

One year I warned people in advance that the blog was going to feature occasional fem-sub content, then came up with this.  And then a year later, ran a feature on those mis-understood (and modest and humble) members of our BDSM community: male doms.  Believe me, Contemplating the Divine going M/f is about as likely as the Catholic Church embracing Wicca or a video found on Pornhub being, y’know, any good.

Then another year I did this, which was a bit rubbish but had lots of lovely pictures.

But not this year.  No, really.  This isn’t some kind of self-referential ‘tell them there’s no April Fool joke but then there is’ thing.  Sorry.  Just the usual crap.


So much hell to dish out, so little time.  People think the life of an OWK Lady is all lazing around eating peeled grapes, but really it’s all go, all the time.




You want know what I think? I think these are very good ideas and she’s right about this, as she is about everything.  That’s what I think and I’m determined not to think anything else.




The food’s not as good as at a traditional British boarding school, but other than that the lifestyle’s pretty similar, I understand.



That’s her sweet ‘girl next door’ look.  She has some very scared (and lucky) neighbours.


This is the sweet and vanilla Melisande Sin, to be found in a few places in Poland (which Russia would be well advised not to invade because (a) NATO and (b) her).

Still, at least she remembered your anniversary this time.






3 thoughts on “Lashing out”

  1. You just made an awesome female submissive cap. It's sure,the Slavegirl wouldn't like to be smacked after Lady comes home back from her trip.

  2. Thank you. No, I'm sure she wouldn't. If it does happen, let's hope she doesn't take out her petulance on anyone else.

    Best wishes


  3. I ha.. luv the last one, her not bringing a second pair. Yes, clearly we will masturbate and catch it. Sounds like she has an evening planned 🙂 SaraE

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