Subjugated verbs

Like many women, she has been liberated from repetitive household tasks by the development of automated technology.  It brings a warm glow to your heart, doesn’t it?




My SO is constantly thinking of my comfort, in almost everything she does – she’s very creative, actually.





It always amazes me quite how many subs are… shall we say somewhat overweight?  Or shall we say repulsively obese?  Whatever, I don’t suppose anyone who matters cares.  I’ve never understood it, though: why are they allowed to eat so much?



Mmmm… hard to say.  I do a nice line in self-referential self-loathing if that helps?  No?  Let’s move on.


Oddly enough, two years later Uncle Luke had to have his IQ and grumpiness taken out too, so Timmie got a playmate and a new auntie.  But that’s another story too.

But I got what I deserved

Tried to hurt me but now I know.


Kinksters can sometimes be over-sensitive about when something might be considered ‘public play’.  Sometimes a slap in the face is just a slap, after all and sensible bystanders will realise that.




It never did matter much, to be honest, even before I started wearing the thing.




Oh, she shouldn’t worry.  Nothing creepy about enjoying the sight of an elegant pair of ladies’ shoes.  Or the taste of them, for that matter.

Thank goodness for that.  Words can cause real pain – as can bullwhips, too, obviously.



The thing about schoolgirls is not letting them know you’re afraid of them.  Make that mistake once and you’ll be doing a lot of homework for other people, believe me.

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