Sexually irresponsible

 I used to be sexually irresponsible, but someone has kindly taken responsibility now, so that’s all right.

Male chess players need to learn that being beaten at the game by a female player isn’t humiliating.  Believe me, there are much more humiliating ways of being beaten by a female, if you only seek them out.

I’ve never understood why dominant ladies so often like to promise me more to cry about.  I don’t find it the least bit reassuring.

So much to look forward to.

She shouldn’t let him exploit her like that.

She seems quite forceful. It’s probably just as well for Gerald that he’s only marrying one of her.*

*NB, although this blog generally does not seek to provide advice on safe, sane and consensual BDSM, readers might want to consider the advisability of a romantic relationship with any woman who refers to them as ‘human male’.

0 thoughts on “Sexually irresponsible”

  1. Exactly so. I mean, you have to do a lot of doing as you are told, obviously. But most males would actually benefit from that. It's an excellent way of avoiding slipping into the excessive drinking, unhealthy diet or simple laziness that plague so many middle-aged males.

    And it's much more economical. It's like I've never understood guys who pay dommes for 'small penis humiliation' sessions – why pay for an encounter if it's only going to turn out like every date I have ever been on, I say?

    Many thanks for your comment, Chas. Best wishes to Dave.


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