Penalty and repentance


They are – and not just the food.  The sex will be longer, more satisfying and 100% female, too.
You get a special decoration too.  Not a medal.  Just… decoration.
Sometimes a question isn’t really a question.
It’s always difficult arriving as a substitute teacher, in the middle of the school year.  But just do your best.  Maybe Mr Harris will turn up again – he must be somewhere, after all.
Perpetuity is quite a long time.  It might feel even longer.

6 thoughts on “Penalty and repentance”

  1. Would love that one to happen to me. I know that I would back date the paperwork and be stuck in the facility in perpetuity,

  2. That last one on the 'retirement home' is the best femdom caption I have ever read.

  3. Well, it's not cheap. But his wife, there, can know that he'll be taken care of, once and for all, and that is the main thing.

  4. Kind of you to say so. I prefer the St Trinians one, but that's because I am a dreadful old pervert with a gymslip fetish.

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