Back in harness

So, here we are.  Back from my fabulous tour of the Greek islands.  Well… I assume we toured the Greek islands. There aren’t actually any windows in the middle galley deck of a trireme, so I am not quite sure, but we definitely went from one place to another, sometimes quite fast.  We had some lovely tour guides, who encouraged us along, while this big bald guy played a drum (somewhat repetitively in my view, but even the most sophisticated musical talent has to begin somewhere I suppose).  These tour guides didn’t speak any English, but they managed to get their message across quite effectively.

I hope you all had a good time while I was gone.  Back to normal, as from today. 

I quite liked this one.  Why should safewords only work in one direction?

If I got the chance, that is.

I hope she realises that we submissives need to stick together.
There are many words that sound like bitch.  Very few that sound like cattle prod. Or feel like one.


Indeed we don’t.  Not after the last time.

0 thoughts on “Back in harness”

  1. great to see Raoul is back in the lives of some of your Lady acquaintances
    nothing quite like their observations on alpha Raoul and beta us…

  2. Now you're either a very long-standing 'reader' of the blog or I guess you've been looking through the archives, because Raoul hasn't featured here for quite a while. Not sure what he's up to these days, but he still sends me his laundry and I can tell you his personal hygiene hasn't improved one bit.

  3. Yes. We had to take on some new 'guests' when the cruise reached Skiathos because the motive power was falling off quite badly. Then quite a few didn't survive Lesbos, as you might expect, although I managed to get away almost completely intact.

    Always loved Nanshakh. The classical trireme ones… the space ones. Well, the ones with amazingly leggy ladies in short skirts, with the shiny leather beautifully drawn, frankly. He seems to be rather less active these days, which is a great shame.

    Love Beetle books too, like I said…

  4. Oh indeed. I hope those ladies are using lots of high-factor lotion, though, as the sun can be pretty fierce. On our cruise, we were allowed to spend Sundays on deck, and after toiling in the darkness all week, I can tell you we were all red as lobsters after a whole day staked out in the Mediterranean sun. How we laughed. Well… Someone laughed, anyway.

    When we were back downstairs and under way again, it made us realise how lucky we'd been the first week, being whipped on backs that weren't already horribly sunburned. Cruises can be quite educational like that.

  5. long-kneeling appreciator of your fine works and femdom related wit 🙂
    glad to hear Raoul is still out there somewhere – been missing his involvement in things

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