Female submission month

You know, although it has been going for over five years, there’s one topic in the big toybox that is BDSM that this blog has never covered: female submission.  I think it’s time Contemplating the Divine bit the ball-gag, so to speak, and sought to depict this excitingly weird practice, in several posts over this month.   

I have found some images of female submission and tried my hand at a few captions. Obviously, it’s not really my thing so these might be a bit hit-and-miss at first, but I’m sure I’ll get there.

I hope that my core readership with femdom interests won’t abandon the blog completely during this time.  It’s just a matter of numbers, really: I have noticed that sites featuring female submission seem to be much more common, so I think there must be many more readers for this sort of material.  But we’ll just try it out during April and see.  Around the end of the month, I’ll have a look at the readership figures and take a view on whether to continue.  If there’s a big increase in traffic, I might turn the blog into one focusing on female submission, perhaps with an emphasis on school scenes and suchlike. But more likely, the future of the blog is as a mix of male and female sub imagery.

So here are some sexy servitor-captioned images of females on the submissive side of BDSM play.  Yay!

Trigger warning: contains images of ladies being treated with less than their due respect.  Male submissives should not look at these pictures.  I certainly didn’t when I posted them, so I warn you now that some might be upside down.

Well, that’s that. April fool obviously, but you knew that, right?  Course you did.

Except for the lovely picture of Madame Sarka being her lovely self, I found that a sickening display of perversion.  I hope all you dominant males feel suitably disgusted with yourselves and turn to something more wholesome and natural, like sissy maid laundry service, pegging or penis sounding.  You’ll feel so much better about yourselves, believe me.

Back to normal next time, if I can get these atrocious images out of my head enough to continue this blog.

0 thoughts on “Female submission month”

  1. Now don't get Carried Away, Nick. It's not going to be a frequent topic. April comes only once a year, much like some of the male subs that are the proper subject of this blog.

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