A turning point – maybe


What?  No I’m not.  Well…maybe I am.  It’s complicated.  I mean, yes I am a
model, but I haven’t gone by the name “Alison Lawson” for years.  I’m Ali Landry now.  I was Miss America – now I’m a – well, I’m a ‘supermodel’, I
guess.  Sounds really fancy, but, you know – that’s what the magazines call me.

Alison Lawson was just a stage name when I used to do these
glamour shoots for fetish sites, before I really made it.  I was always a stern nanny type – spanking
naughty boys, putting them in diapers, dressing them up in little girls’ clothes and making them stand in the corner.  That kind of thing – not the harsh dominatrix in leather.  I had this kind of loving discipline image, I think.   It was a bit weird at first, but it paid the
rent while I was building my portfolio with the fashion shoots.  The great thing about that kind of fetish is that you don’t have to go naked – that can really kill a career in fashion modelling.

Strict old Alison Lawson. 
God… that really takes me back. Anyway – always good to meet a fan.
What’s your name?

Really?  No way!  You’re Emma’s fiancé!  Oh wow! 
Well I’m Ali, aren’t I?  Her
oldest friend.  She must have talked
about me?

Yes, I thought so. 
She’s told me everything about you!

Well…maybe not everything, come to think of it.  I think I might know something she doesn’t, hmm?

With apologies to the divine Ms Landry, who – to the eternal regret of perverts everywhere – almost certainly did not start her career modelling spanking shoots as a strict nanny called Alison Lawson.  I say ‘almost certainly’ because I will admit I have not actually checked.

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