Begging on the streets

Street begging?  Eh?  I’m opposed to it.  I just think it’s unecessary, and disturbs people going about their daily business.

But she insists on it, so of course who am I to argue?

SPH lady is precise
Actually, I prefer to use centimetres.  Or even milimetres.

Farmyard femdom oh my
I wonder what the prize is, if he gets them right?

Female led discussion
Then again, maybe we don’t have to discuss it right now…. We do?  Oh.  OK.
Slave furniture
Actually, the back of the laptop adjusts.  But her way’s good.

Bad news femdom snuff oh dear
I wonder what it can be?

0 thoughts on “Begging on the streets”

  1. Come on… clearly you've never tried street begging. There is a lot of money involved because people are silly and they take pity in you. Last time i got a lot of money… too bad i didn't get to keep any cause it was all for Her 🙁 but then again the more you give Her, the happier you are.

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