Fiction: Slave Tony

Hmm?  What’s the hardest
punishment session I’ve ever given?
Oh, that’s easy. 
Slave Tony.  It has to be Slave
Everyone in the scene knew Slave Tony.  He’d been hanging around S&M clubs maybe ten years before I even started.  You see, he was this guy from New York who used to go round all the
mistresses, saying that nothing they could do could break him.  He was pretty tough too.  He could take a hundred strokes of the cane
and wouldn’t even cry out. One time me and these two other girls spent a whole
weekend just working him over, and we still couldn’t do it.  Tough guy.  Really.
And this was really pissing me off, so I asked him once if
he would agree that I could do anything I wanted to him, to see if I could
break him.   I’d win if I could make him
cry.  Of course, we agreed some
limits.  No permanent injuries, that kind
of thing.  But any kind of beating,
bondage, imprisonment all of that – I guess Tony thought he could take
it.  Nothing was going to make him cry.  He hardly even gave it a second thought, just laughed and said I could do whatever I liked.
So I arranged for us both to fly down to Venezuela one Labor
day weekend.  I told him there was this
heavy S&M scene there, you know?  And
when we there we had a pretty wild time, and Tony got laid, and I whipped him
and everything, and he just took the whole thing without a grunt.  Same as always.
But one of the local girls was the sister of my friend in
Queens.  And she made him come on to her
quite rough, like we’d arranged, and she was pretty bruised when they’d
And then she reported him for rape.  They take that kind of thing pretty seriously
in Venezuela.  Especially when it’s rich
Americans doing the raping.  So he got 14
years with hard labour.
I went to see him a few years ago – he’d already done four years, I think.  He was looking pretty thin.  I don’t think they feed them much; and they
work them hard.  Anyway, they have an
early release scheme for good behaviour. 
And he’s been very well-behaved – after the first few weeks, anyway.  He’s one of those guys that just keeps his
head down, doing his time.  Says yes sir
and no sir to the guards when he’s ordered about.  So anyway, he should be out in  – oh, just three more years, now, I guess. 
That’s the only time I’ve seen him, anyway.  Just the one visit.  Actually, I think it
was the first time he’d had a visitor at all. 
None of his friends know he’s there.
Oh – and did I forget to mention?  He cried.

0 thoughts on “Fiction: Slave Tony”

  1. I hate this woman from the bottom of my heart. You cannot do this even to your worst enemy. All she wanted to prove was that she could break him. Well, I could think of a few methods to break hér. What is worse than heartless? Being proud of it.

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