All rather domestic this time. Lovers of evil dominatrices in black leather…goodness I enjoyed typing that, let’s go again… evil dominatrices in black leather, look elsewhere. The very next post, frinstance.
Look on the positive side of things. You and her mother have never got on – let’s face it, she hates you. This might be the time when you really get things sorted out. |
Just as long as it’s not Nadine. Oh please don’t let it be Nadine… |
Ah…recently married couples. So sweet. |
You’ve got hers, so why would you want your own? |
It’s a good point, and one she’s made before. At the wedding reception, for a start. |
I've been very lazy and haven't commented for while. It's all great. I look forward to it every week.
It's very good of you to comment at all. And to maintain your wonderful Following Blindly blog. The Look… it's all about The Look.